Example sentences of "big enough [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You was big enough for her , I could see , but you 're only a baby still really. , ’ Jessie was crying now too , the tears swelling slowly out above the bags and pouches of her face and running into the wrinkles .
2 People are leaving Paris at the rate of some 20,000 a year , chased out by soaring property prices and the shortage of rental accommodation — especially of flats big enough for a family .
3 Once , at Milan airport , we were herded to the gate and corralled in an area almost big enough for half of us , then shifted to a bus with six seats and standing room for forty , in which the one hundred and twenty of us stood and waited for the idiot who always arrives twenty minutes late despite having been called ten times and being the subject of an Interpol missing persons search .
4 None of the prezzies was big enough for that , but she said it was a magic bike that got big when you wanted to ride on it .
5 Remember that if you hire a builder with a large stetson hat and a six shooter you might very easily reach a situation where , ‘ The house ai n't big enough for both of you . ’
6 It was big enough for two but not really for three , especially when one of them was a great big lout .
7 A one-man job , big enough for two .
8 Sam pulled the door open and we looked into the scene that was all too familiar to my eyes ; an expanse of muddy water , the hole in the ceiling overhead and the curtain of iron mesh across the exit to the river ; a dock big enough for a moderate-sized cabin cruiser or three or four smaller boats .
9 Could you tell me please : 1 ) Is the 4203 direct or indirect injection ? 2 ) Where do I connect brake servo at engine end ? 3 ) Is my 2.6 radiator big enough for the diesel ? 4 ) Will brakes or suspension need uprating ? 5 ) How many filters needed on the fuel line ?
10 Boy would have been happiest to stand on the end of a pier from which big ships , real proper ocean ships , embarked ; but he would have settled for just an ordinary pier , a small one — so long as it was big enough for him to walk away from the city , into the wind , turn his back on everything and stand there looking west at an empty sea , or a far horizon , and think about America , or somewhere .
11 It contains two enormous hand-knitted cardigans big enough for an orang-utan , and a pair of woollen tights that Pavarotti could have worn .
12 What I do is chop the luncheon meat into cubes just big enough for a size 8 or 10 hook and mix them with damp groundbait .
13 At the end of the flat portion there was a gap big enough for a man 's body to drop through , and then a single rung like a short parallel bar in a gym .
14 While it is important to know that your sample size is big enough for safe conclusions to be drawn ( that effects are ‘ statistically significant ’ ) , this is secondary in comparison with the issue of whether a relationship can be given a causal interpretation or is merely the spurious result of the operation of third factors ; the relationship between the number of fire engines and the amount of damage caused could be derived from a sample size of ten thousand and still utterly mislead if taken at face value .
15 It is big enough for the bands to circle without getting in each other 's way or drowning each other out .
16 He needs an extra £100 000 to scale up his method to 10 litres — big enough for clinical trials .
17 Not big enough for a Walkman — lumpy bulges , not square .
18 It was n't big enough for the feet — I had to hide that head .
19 Make a cylinder big enough for your child to stand in with comfort and cut out two eye holes .
20 You need an empty picture frame big enough for a child to put his head in comfortably .
21 Will my tank be big enough for all these fish when they are fully grown ?
22 Snow Cottage simply was n't big enough for all of them , particularly when Perdita , who still had n't forgiven her mother , was always banging doors and making scenes .
23 Nylon or polyester twist is fine for single line kites up to an area of 3 sq.metres or 30 sq.ft which is big enough for any sport kite .
24 He confirmed that the lump on my thigh was indeed big enough for a biopsy and that Dr Slachman would be performing the small operation ( thank God it 's not Bloodnott ) .
25 ‘ We were using a 2,000 watt PA — barely big enough for a pub gig — and agreed to finish at 10pm .
26 Barnes believes the England team is big enough for him and Gazza .
27 Big enough for a giant X to have mysteriously appeared in mid-town Manhattan and another not a million miles from his flagship shop in Brooklyn .
28 Silverstein called Douglas , who had already read the script , and to Silverstein 's tremendous relief , Kirk said that the part was n't big enough for him as a star , and not small enough for a cameo .
29 It was just big enough for an adult to pass through on all fours .
30 The garden is not big enough for a swimming pool .
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