Example sentences of "'d kept [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd kept her supper warm in a pot in the oven .
2 Wishing she 'd kept her mouth shut and never mentioned her need of some new clothes , Laura found herself being dragged , willy-nilly , towards the lifts .
3 I did n't realise that you might not — er — be able to have any babies … ’ she added with an unhappy sigh , clearly wishing that she 'd kept her mouth shut .
4 Perhaps in time they 'll turn more of their songs into group showcases , as they did on Cash 's Big River , but as the Highwaymen rode into the sunset , they 'd succeeded in that most country of missions : they 'd kept their pride intact , and their boots on .
5 Maybe she 's a control freak , he was thinking , getting into an unreasonable flap just because she might have taken something that could unclench her a little ; but then if he 'd kept his mouth shut , she 'd never even have known .
6 He 'd kept his part by buying me the nightdress , now it was up to me to keep mine .
7 Jack Scamp had drawn a two-year plate of porridge for the assault on the Kent licensee and , as Malpass had said , would have been out with remission if he 'd kept his nose clean , in three months ’ time .
8 Scamp had done thirteen months of a two-year stretch and he could 've got out in a coupla months more if he 'd kept his nose clean .
9 On election night , after hearing he 'd kept his own Oxfordshire seat , he blamed the Cheltenham result on ’ wicked old-fashioned racism ’ and said it was ’ a slur on the town itself . ’
10 ‘ I just wish I 'd kept my flies fastened that day , ’ he said .
11 With hindsight , she says : ‘ I wished I 'd kept my mouth shut in the first three weeks .
12 I 'd kept my involvement with FAKOUM and FAKINTIL and in particular my personal association with Osvaldo and Martinho to myself , but he smelled a rat .
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