Example sentences of "about [adj] hour " in BNC.

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1 No one not in the profession would know for sure whether the assassin had accepted or refused the job ; and no one except the contact and , in this case , the client , would know for sure exactly who was responsible for the messy death of Seren Haminh , probably about fifty hours from now , when the hunger would be rising again and giving her a few hours to sleep the first ecstasy off .
2 Yet when asked how long it takes each week to prepare and construct the next sequence , Dr Postlethwait is accustomed to laugh heartily ( as he did when I asked him ) and reply , " Oh , about fifty hours . "
3 ‘ At about 1100 hours a smallish raid was detected leaving Sicily on course for Malta .
4 Figure 3.1 shows that if we go to bed at the ‘ normal ’ time we sleep about eight hours , a result that most of us would accept as part of our daily experience .
5 I do n't like leaving her on her own too long ( I usually have to be away for about eight hours ) .
6 This regular pattern only continues for a short time , and after about eight hours , the embryo is a blastula comprising a hollow ball of about 1000 cells .
7 If somebody went to a party and drank 12 units of alcohol ( far more than he should have ) it will take about eight hours before blood alcohol is even approaching the legal limit .
8 British Airways staff are fantastic , whatever class you travel , and plied Kenneth with enough booze to soften the effect of two Sun journalists who approached us for a story and picture after we 'd been airborne for about eight hours .
9 ‘ Time difference about eight hours with LA , yes ? ’
10 Er I offered it for about eight hours a day , but they might send us somebody might .
11 A minor modification to the program achieved this and , in addition to the average of chosen order , the program now delivers a measurement averaged over about an hour , and one averaged over about eight hours .
12 Forced by Mussolini 's courage to be unusually clear-sighted in his turn , Joachim von Ribbentrop , the champagne salesman , advised his Fuhrer to call it off , an undertaking that would take about eight hours .
13 Visas are needed to visit Oman , there are ten to 12 flights a week from London and the journey takes about eight hours .
14 That was about eight hours .
15 Ee , I mean if everything went alright , it 's about eight hours is n't it ?
16 Through the desert with my family and through the perils of the desert and erm it took us about eight hours to go through the desert , which normally takes two hours , and it was very difficult .
17 The chairs take about 28 hours each ( when producing a batch ) and the table about 120 hours .
18 Place in a non-stick baking tray , without fat , in a hot oven for about 1–1½ hours .
19 Cook gently , stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon , for about 1–1½ hours until the onions are very soft .
20 The Complete Knocked Down ( CKD ) option contains all the required parts presorted , and takes about 70 hours to complete , while the Component Form requires only 20 hours of the simplest work to finish the car .
21 Indeed it is this inaccuracy that leads to its often being called a circadian clock ( from the latin , circa — about ; diem — a day ) If it is correctly timed one day , it will be approximately 1 hour late the next , about 2 hours late the day after that , and so on until it will be ‘ useful ’ again after about 3 weeks .
22 It takes about 2 hours to reach the top of the Hahnenkamm , but it 's worth it for the view .
23 Four National Parks are within 100 km , or about 2 hours driving time .
24 — a longer walk that takes about 2 hours .
25 Cover and leave to marinate for about 2 hours .
26 This process should take about 2 hours .
27 The procedure is expected to take about 2 hours .
28 This process will take about 2 hours .
29 Cover with buttered paper and a lid , and cook in a very slow oven , gas no. 1 , 290°F. , for about 2 hours .
30 If you have a thermometer , measure the temperature of the soil after about 2 hours .
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