Example sentences of "country whose [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Germany , the one country whose governance was the result of genuine compromise and conceived in an era when the Christian Democrats regarded capitalism as a beast to be tamed and trained , not let loose on the world , is still a model for power-sharing and consensus between centre and regions , between conservatives , social democrats , liberals and greens .
2 Some countries — New Zealand , say , and Japan — are obviously wholly Pacific ; but Australia , the United States and Canada are shared by the two oceans that lap their eastern and western shores ; and Russia , at least in the years prior to the Gorbachev speech at Vladivostok , was a country whose traditions and ethnic roots were quite obviously Atlantic and Baltic .
3 Cameroun provides another example of a country whose stability was seriously jeopardized by a major crisis over the succession to the presidency .
4 Academician Dmitriy Likhachev , the highly-respected Chairman of the Russian International Culture Fund said : ‘ If such a policy towards culture continues , I will have to apply for citizenship in a foreign country , because it is not worth living in a country whose government has an attitude to culture like ours .
5 Do we really want to develop trade with a country whose Government sanctions the murderous fatwa placed upon the shoulders of Salman Rushdie ?
6 To the south lay a country whose king was trying to establish an English Catholic church , in the teeth not only of the papists but also of those who were much more convinced Protestants .
7 The word ‘ Colombia ’ walks across the top of the jacket in bright pink and blue collage letters , adding a note of surrealism to a work on the country whose history Gabriel Garcia Marquez claimed corresponded most closely to the magical realism of his writing .
8 China is by no means the only country whose output has been understated .
9 Kapil Dev has , naturally enough , had to do much of his bowling in India , a country whose pitches were always reckoned to be a graveyard for fast bowlers .
10 In the case of the ERM , where currencies are capable of moving against each other , they are inhibited from doing so outside the chosen bands , either as a result of the country whose currency is under pressure putting up its interest rates ( in the hope of attracting buyers to its currency ) or through the buying of the weak currency by central bankers .
11 23.2 Should no settlement of disputes or differences be achieved by negotiation , the Parties shall submit their dispute or difference to an arbitration tribunal before bringing this dispute before a court of law , provided that arbitration is not contrary to the imperative law of the country whose law is applicable .
12 It spends heavily on its undercover services and Britain is the country whose policies most vitally affect it .
13 Aumann , for example , quoted Mark Twain 's account of his visit to the Holy Land in 1867 in which the American writer spoke of ‘ desolate country whose soil is rich enough but is given over wholly to weeds — a silent mournful expanse …
14 Meanwhile , on July 11 Prime Minister Sharif issued a threat to " any country whose soil is used " to attack Pakistan 's nuclear sites .
15 This is the story then , not of personal development against a colourful political background but of what it really means to live as a white person of conscience in a country whose rulers decree that individuals should be ranked according to the colour of their skin .
16 If the allies had agreed to a peace settlement before starting a land war , Mr Hussein would have been left at the head of a country whose air force and army were still largely intact .
17 In a country whose violence is matched by nothing except its litigation , Mr O'Gara 's only real worry must surely be America 's product-liability laws .
18 The process also places the series of photographs , taken in Japan between 1977 and 1984 , at a remove from the present , as if this is the album of an early 20th century visitor to an exotic country whose ideas concerning nature and culture were so profoundly attractive to the West .
19 The Miami Cubans are flexing their wallets for the return to a country whose people are healthier , better educated and less racially divided than when the exiles left .
20 The music of Chopin , the poetry of Mickiewicz — both produced in exile — and the paintings of Jan Matejko are all powerful emotional and political responses to the reality of life in a country whose people were denied their own forms of government , and whose culture was relegated to nothing more than a set of quaint country ways .
21 In a country whose people so crave economic success , failure to produce it is bound to produce negativism .
22 Any other country whose arrangements may in future follow EC directives and be approved by the Commission of the EC .
23 The number of people in this country whose hearing has become impaired in adult life is very large indeed .
24 With the certainty of the newly converted , they could see only that Pantisocracy offered an escape from their increasingly unsatisfactory and unhappy lives , and from a country whose politics they deplored .
25 When this is combined with the fact that the Republic was an overwhelmingly Catholic country whose constitution recognized the special superordinate position of the Catholic Church , it is easy to see how any state recognition of the Pope or the Catholic hierarchy could be seen as a ‘ constitutional ’ issue .
26 And in a country whose language has become the world 's lingua franca its literary culture is its culture .
27 Averaged out , the trainers clearly gave much greater weight in selecting future teachers to oral proficiency and experience of the country whose language would be taught , and much less to written proficiency , knowledge of literature or linguistics , the referee 's report , or experience with children ’ ( Gold , 1985 : 11 )
28 The third year of the course is spent following European Studies courses at a university in the country whose language is being studied .
29 Migration across frontiers and oceans raised more complex problems , and not by any means because it was often — though in our period not primarily — entry into a country whose language the migrant did not understand .
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