Example sentences of "order to keep [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Frankie went reluctantly , straining his neck in order to keep her in his sight .
2 She had not yet learned how greatly Brian exaggerated his financial problems in order to keep her in line .
3 Impossible as it seemed , he still thought she was lying , or was he pretending in order to keep her with him ?
4 He had to be bathed in wine and wrapped in cotton in order to keep him alive .
5 Specifically Alvarez was accused of having administered drugs to Camarena in order to keep him alive while he was being tortured by his drug cartel captors .
6 My guess is that someone substituted bodies in order to keep him happy . ’
7 She got help from the special unit , took out a court order to keep him away from her .
8 ‘ All these chores are making me so hungry that it is , as I said before , only fair that you feed me properly in order to keep me going . ’
9 In order to keep its wayward offspring under surveillance , IPC moved the paper from its cheerful Covent Garden hovel to the monolithic King 's Reach Tower .
10 She became desperate to break into this institutional twaddle , so when asked what she thought , she agreed enthusiastically , in order to keep them quiet and terminate the interminable .
11 However , they have told me recently that , when I was about nine or ten , they thought me a bully because I would surreptitiously pinch them or pull their hair in order to keep them in line — that is , in order to make them behave as my parents would have wished them to .
12 David Mellor , Secretary of State for the new Department of National Heritage , has rejected the listing of key works of art in order to keep them in the country .
13 Every Buttermere neighbour and old wrestling foe would be given a free mug of beer as his first drink and throughout the day Joseph would ask a little — often useless — favour here , another there in order to keep them within his ken : so that they kept their eyes , he would say to himself , on the signals coming from the flagship .
14 If I did n't know better I 'd think he was trying to be as diplomatic possible in order to keep himself in line for the England job .
15 And all of them are making so much money these days out of replacing the world 's ageing fleet of oil tankers that they can accept losses on their aircraft business in order to keep their foot in the door for the day , however distant , when they can compete with their own aeroplane .
16 In the public sector , it is inevitable that certain engineers will promote as much work as possible , in order to keep their empires afloat .
17 He strung the Poles along to the very end in order to keep their enthusiasm for his cause and their manpower for his army .
18 In the 1972 Bernardo Bertolucci film , Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider as Paul and Jeanne embark on a series of erotic encounters in an apartment , agreeing never to reveal their names to each other , in order to keep their relationship anonymous and exclusively physical .
19 Trainees will probably need a lot of guidance in completing the exercise in Handout 14 both because they are doing it without the benefit of parents and in order to keep their CBs both objective and closely related to the PBs .
20 In order to keep their appetites satisfied , in a relationship seemingly destined for disaster , they go far beyond the boundaries regarded as normal .
21 As with the Supergrid , the leading electrical engineering consultants were generally more adventurous and expressed surprise at the conservatism of the BEA , though , in order to keep their power station consultancy contracts , they went along with headquarters ' design policy .
22 She said they were quite untrustworthy and cut off peoples ' arms and legs unnecessarily in order to keep their hand in , demonstrate their skills and prove that they were earning their money .
23 A father and son team of street cleaners are offering to take a fifty percent pay cut , in order to keep their jobs .
24 She very often went barefoot in order to keep her feet in good condition , and she wore long , dangly earrings .
25 It may be that the England management themselves will have to draw up a code of conduct in order to keep everyone happy .
26 3 MEMBERSHIP URGENT PLEASE encourage all new class members to join this term and any old members who have omitted to rejoin this year ; numbers are very important as we must show a steady growth in membership in order to keep our commitment in the Plan .
27 In order to keep my spirits up — I admit I was apprehensive — I talked to him as we progressed step by step .
28 Paradoxically , I shall share that omission , refraining deliberately from referring to those many matters in order to keep my speech short .
29 ‘ Yes , but I would n't force her to marry him in order to keep my respectability . ’
30 ‘ I 'm not in line to go to bed with you in order to keep my job ! ’ she told him bluntly .
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