Example sentences of "whether your lordship " in BNC.

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1 It can however be said that the principle of justice , embodied in Martin B. 's judgment in Steele v. Williams , 8 Ex. 625 and perhaps also in Hooper v. Exeter Corporation , 56 L.J.Q.B. 457 , and expressed in the dicta of Lord Atkin and Sir Owen Dixon , still calls for attention ; and the central question in the present case is whether your Lordships ' House , deriving their inspiration from the example of those two great judges , should rekindle that fading flame and reformulate the law in accordance with that principle .
2 However , before considering whether your Lordships should proceed in that direction , it is first necessary to have regard to the impact of any relevant statutory provisions governing the repayment of overpaid tax by the revenue to the taxpayer .
3 If my submissions are correct , the question finally remains whether your Lordships are bound by the doctrine of precedent to follow and apply the statements in Reg. v. Lawrence [ 1972 ] A.C. 626 , 632 that Parliament , by omitting the words ‘ without the consent of the owner ’ from section 1(1) of the Act of 1968 , has ‘ relieved the prosecution of the burden of establishing that the taking was without the owner 's consent ’ and that ‘ [ appropriation ] may occur even though the owner has permitted or consented to the property being taken . ’
4 The question , therefore , is nakedly raised by this appeal , whether your Lordships are now prepared , not only to overrule , as contrary to law , the doctrine stated by Sir Edward Coke to have been laid down by all the judges of the Common Pleas in Pinnel 's Case ( 1602 ) 5 Co.Rep. 117a , in 1602 , and repeated in his note to Littleton , 344 , Co.Litt. 212b , but to treat a prospective agreement , not under seal , for satisfaction of a debt by a series of payments on account to a total amount less than the whole debt , as binding in law , provided these payments are regularly made ; the case not being one of a composition with a common debtor , agreed to , inter se , by several creditors …
5 My Lords , I er apologise first of all that I was not able to hear some of the earlier speeches in this Debate erm but it does seem to me a most interesting Debate and I have to confess that I always become slightly uneasy er when the great and the good , and I suppose we should collectively cast ourselves in that role of being the great and good of the establishment are all of one view and I wonder whether it is necessarily right and so I begin to question er whether your Lordships enthusiasm for many of these amendments and their attack upon the Government 's proposals is necessarily as soundly based as we might think if we just listen to casually to it all .
6 My Lord there is a final part of our submission on on this is because I do n't know whether your Lordship has a copy of the report this is the report of the fact that My Lord erm what I wish to refer you to if I may , is erm that paragraph three one of the report which is erm that solicitors and er he instructed himself er from the law society who told him that the law society in paragraph three page five , do n't issue any specific directional guidance duty of care in relation to the plaintiffs transaction , the Law Society view obligation to be have to be considered on the basis of and he then goes on from there to depart from that approach to speculate as to what his approach would be erm
7 no , no , my Lord I have three applications to make in the light of the evidence given by Mr yesterday and this witness today , er the first is this in terms of this witnesses evidence , I do n't know whether your Lordship appreciated it , but I certainly did in terms of evidence , that in cases of some brochures there were a number of editions , in other words first , second and maybe third edition
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