Example sentences of "something in common " in BNC.

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1 In the spectrum of contemporary theory , Marxist symptomatic reading has something in common with the deconstructive reading which discovers in the end , not harmony and organic unity , but contradiction and aporia .
2 ‘ Literary sensibility ’ is easier to recognize than to define , but it is analogous to having an unusually good ear for music , and has something in common with the creative faculty , even when the critic who possesses it is not an imaginative writer .
3 In that sense he has something in common with Mrs Thatcher .
4 Cynthio has something in common with Strephon in ‘ The Mistaken Lover ’ .
5 Indeed , at a certain point the stories come to seem almost like pauses , moments of reflection perhaps , in a wider discourse that envelopes the written word , such as to make the readers of Celati 's narrative acknowledge something in common with Palomar listening to his blackbirds , uncertain which part of their communication is language , which silence .
6 The case clearly has something in common with the preceding one .
7 Planning a school curriculum has something in common with planning a journey .
8 This means that everyone has something in common with the rest of the group and it leads to a more relaxed and productive social activity .
9 Did they feel something in common with the rest of the Whirl-Y-Gig clientele ?
10 If you can choose whom to talk to , pick someone who looks as though they have something in common with you — be it gender , age or an aura of self-effacement similar to the one you are experiencing .
11 But it needs to be acknowledged here that the feminist concerns just mentioned have something in common with nonfeminist and even anti-feminist concerns in studying sex difference .
12 If we say that they do have something in common with other things that look white we must remember that their having something in common simply is their looking white .
13 Furthermore , as far as skinhead paraphernalia is concerned , is n't Morrissey telling his fans ( supposedly alienated from society 's mainstream ) that we may have something in common with the frightening skinheads ?
14 It has something in common with the rationalism of Richard Price , but provides a kind of general formula for testing the morality of actions as price ( and later Ross ) did not .
15 Pakistan 's 1992 London Test double , Lord 's and The Oval , was completed inside 10 sessions , and had something in common with the first of their five Test victories in England : in 1954 there was unease at England 's choice of players , Bedser and Bailey being rested , so complacent were the selectors in the face of this new Test entity from far away .
16 Cooper 's conclusion is that houseproud housewives are ‘ abnormal ’ in the sense that their behaviour has something in common with that of obsessionally ill people .
17 Hooligans have something in common with nutters in that they both provide the group with a good deal of entertainment .
18 It 's modestly priced , yet has something in common with a Mercedes , namely low depreciation .
19 One insists that science has at least something in common with map-making .
20 This was having something in common with your lover , she thought , remembering the way it had been with Mike , who was interested only in banking and golf and what he called making a home for one 's family .
21 The new directions to be taken may not be indicated by the diagram , or be unclassifiable by present terminology anyway — but they may have something in common with what is gathered here : ambition and invention , perseverance , independence , wit .
22 I found I had something in common with all there .
23 So you 've got something in common with Gordon after all .
24 Kelsall designed buildings in various styles , including Grecian , of which he published engravings by Henry Moses [ q.v. ] and other artists in Phantasm of an University ( 1814 ) , a book which has something in common with Claude-Nicolas Ledoux 's L'Architecture considérée sous le rapport de l'art , des moeurs , et de la législation ( 1804 ) , with the proposals of Thomas Jefferson for the University of Virginia , and with the founding of London University .
25 Léger , whose researches had always been more highly personal than those of the other Cubists with whom he showed , and whose art was now becoming more obviously divergent , is also sometimes referred to as an Orphist ; this , however , is understandable since his work did have something in common with Delaunay 's .
26 This picture of Dreadnought was so wide of the mark that Willis found it better to say nothing , simply making a gesture which had something in common with a petty officer 's salute .
27 He sounded anxious , but warmed to have something in common with her .
28 In the explicit limits to their power which they had to accept in some of the areas they ruled ( especially in Hungary and the Basque provinces ) the Habsburgs and the Spanish Bourbons had something in common with the Hanoverians .
29 Mr Nelson said he felt Banbridge had something in common with Warrington .
30 It was rather like that strange spirit that hovered over the Wilson family when they were contemplating an evening out and told them where they ought to eat , and it had something in common with whatever it was that told the entire Liverpool football stadium to sing ‘ You 'll Never Walk Alone ’ at the same moment .
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