Example sentences of "to have [art] abortion " in BNC.

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1 I think she wanted the baby but she was going to have the abortion because she realised the possibility of a better life .
2 Thirdly , the only course of action if some form of handicap is detected , is to have an abortion , as the handicap has already been shown to be present in the foetus .
3 Even if the mother is prepared to have an abortion on discovery of a problem with the foetus , the timing with current tests is very tight .
4 ‘ First , had I chosen to have an abortion or for him to be allowed to die , I would have made the biggest mistake of my life .
5 ‘ Well , you see , I was going to have an abortion , only — ’
6 It would have been better for her to have an abortion , but by the time she told her mother it was too late , so she kept the baby .
7 The Supreme Court 's ruling … has given politicians the power to intrude on the most personal decision an American can make — whether or not to have an abortion .
8 The current abortion debate in America , where women 's rights to choose to have an abortion may soon be overturned by the Supreme Court , has similarly divided this country .
9 If your so called parents decided to have an abortion that 's it , you 're history , you never got a chance or a choice .
10 I 'll have to have an abortion . ’
11 About four months before , a friend of mine got pregnant and she had to have an abortion , and I was quite upset about that .
12 I was n't going to have an abortion anyway , I was going to keep my baby .
13 It 's just that to have an abortion you have to be pregnant , so all these people have got pregnant .
14 She was arranging to have an abortion when her father found out , and told her if she went through with this , he would no longer consider her to be part of his family .
15 He had wanted Lesley to have an abortion , but because he feels committed to Lesley he is prepared to bring up the baby as if she were his own .
16 I wanted her to have an abortion because it would have given us more time to get ourselves sorted out and get our life going together before bringing another person into it .
17 A few years back I got a girl pregnant and I think she was forced to have an abortion , which is opposite to Lesley .
18 Judy 's father , for instance , despite being a devout Catholic would have encouraged her to have an abortion if she had wanted one .
19 She became pregnant again about six months ago , through a contraceptive failure , but this time she decided to have an abortion .
20 She had not told Tony either , because she knew he 'd want her to have an abortion , and she would have refused , and this would have split them up .
21 Even my doctor said I ought to have an abortion , because of my age .
22 The court was told the woman became pregnant and had to have an abortion .
23 Although she decided , after an agonizing period of inward questioning , to continue with the pregnancy , it led her and her husband to reject their rigid moral position : ‘ We will never pressure any woman not to have an abortion .
24 The potential trap , of course , lies in defining what is a ‘ serious ’ enough reason to have an abortion .
25 So then I went secretly to have an abortion , and my mother-in-law found out about that too .
26 The blocked sections related to a woman notifying her husband of her intention to have an abortion .
27 He was also known for his interest in ecological and environmental issues and , although located on the centre-right of the Democratic Party , shared Clinton 's belief in the right of women to choose to have an abortion .
28 Prior to 1980 Bush had supported the right of women to choose to have an abortion .
29 But Bishop Duffy acknowleged that rejection of the government proposals would lead to legislation regularising the decision earlier this year of the Irish Supreme Court , which allowed a schoolgirl rape victim to have an abortion in Britain because of fears that she might commit suicide .
30 You do n't have to have an abortion , there should n't be one there to have an abortion for should there .
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