Example sentences of "under the covers " in BNC.

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1 In the smithy house at Dull , Jean Bruce hail lain silently under the covers until her four little sisters and brothers had stopped fidgeting in the oppressive atmosphere and her parents had started to snore .
2 He made himself wake finally and lay under the covers feeling weak and hot , as though he had been spending energy incessantly all night .
3 Whooooah , Said Steve and dived under the covers .
4 Play resumed just after four o'clock , the pitch having been sweating under the covers in the meantime , and the light decidedly dingy .
5 ‘ Nobody 's leaving nobody , ’ said Gloria from under the covers .
6 Darting to the mantelpiece , he retrieved the note and the feather and dived back again under the covers , before the cold could ambush him .
7 He decided to get back between the covers , or under the covers .
8 Isa Blagden , arriving one day to look over the Casa Guidi , called on Wilson and found her lying in a dark room , huddled under the covers of her bed , the Bible in her hand and tears streaming down her face .
9 On retiring to bed Vic 's last action is normally to detach a book from Marjorie 's nerveless fingers , tuck her arms under the covers and turn out her bedside lamp , but he must have neglected the first of these chores last night , or perhaps Enjoy Your Menopause was concealed under the coverlet .
10 In England , that kind of patriotism is something you do with other consenting adults under the covers with the lights out , and usually comes with various unpleasant side-effects such as xenophobia , anti-Semitism , Anglo-Catholicism and so on .
11 The cat , delighted that its ordeal was over , burrowed under the covers like a furry hot-water bottle , and although Mildred had only meant to sit and get warm , within a few minutes her eyelids began to droop , and before long she was fast asleep — so fast asleep that she did not hear the door opening very quietly .
12 I have n't slept for weeks , you should see the bags under my eyes — Deardrie , should we get separate beds , or should I get a tape recorder under the covers so he can hear the racket he makes ?
13 The next job is to position the internal electrical appliances , with one Fluval in each corner , the Spray-bar fitted to the Fluval 3 and positioned at the top back of the aquarium , just under the covers .
14 Every time I heard the wind rustling in the bushes or rattling the slates I 'd duck down under the covers , thinking of hooded ghosts stomping through the garden — or through the wall .
15 The next day I could not resist a peep under the covers , and saw a brief movement among the mops .
16 The second , Intel version , was demonstrated at PC Expo in New York , but will remain under the covers — at least as far as users are concerned — until the end of the the year at the very earliest .
17 Ruth got into bed and sat there , knees drawn up under the covers .
18 It was a little husband who 'd been sleeping under the covers . ’
19 " Now , you just jump back under the covers , and I 'll sit myself here .
20 Then we 'll skinny down under the covers .
21 Well , it was late — the simplest answer would be to drop the book on the floor , throw off his T-shirt and his jeans , and crawl under the covers and go to sleep .
22 ‘ I used to hide under the covers of my bed at night , imagining there were dragons out there ; in the room when the light was out , when there was nobody else there .
23 I 'd hunch down under the covers with just an air-hole to breath through , and shelter there .
24 ‘ But then one night , under the covers — I was just getting older , I guess , but anyway — I was sort of reviewing the day , and I was thinking about school , and what we 'd learned , and we 'd been doing the Second World War , and I had n't liked the sound of this Hitler guy at all ; and I 'd asked dad , just to double-check , and — ’
25 ‘ Anyway , that night they put a night-light in my room , in case I had nightmares , but the shadows were even worse than the darkness , and so I just lay there , under the covers , quivering with fear thanks to these damn dragons , and I wished Ken was back from University because sometimes I was allowed to sleep in his room , and I wished I was allowed a torch in my room , but I was n't , and I was wondering about crying really loudly , because that would bring mum and dad in to see me , but then what did I say was wrong ?
26 ‘ I 'd lie under the covers and make the noise he makes when he 's breathing , and then I 'd stop , but sometimes it would go on after I 'd stopped ! ’
27 She 'd finally drifted off to sleep at about two , woken an hour later feeling cold and slipped under the covers , resting fitfully until room service brought her breakfast at eight .
28 Antoinette 's legs and feet twitched under the covers , would suddenly throw themselves from side to side .
29 She stripped her body naked and got under the covers .
30 Like amber , the snake , soft still and quiescent ; the thought of her , then , the sight of her under the covers , had not yet woken it .
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