Example sentences of "might [verb] seemed " in BNC.

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1 A priori it might have seemed logical that as these increase and spread , they would render the state pension superfluous and enable the system of compulsory redistribution which finances it to be discontinued progressively .
2 But it was also a throwback to a form of behaviour which , however natural it might have seemed to officer cadets in the First World War , was excruciatingly embarrassing to succeeding generations of Magdalen men .
3 Had this apparently contradictory programme been worked out over a long period , it might have seemed more logical .
4 Yet , I always conclude , it might have seemed strange and unnatural to have shown too much feeling ; strange , and perhaps embarrassing and out of order , I being somewhat far down in the family hierarchy .
5 I do not think he married her particularly for love , but for the sake of his daughters , as people did in those days ; and it might have seemed that she was ideally suited for this , with her quiet , dignified manner , and she having been a housekeeper .
6 Mrs Browning was still pale and shaky as we settled ourselves by the fire ( and what the moon saw , or what it might have seen if its beams could have penetrated the closely-drawn curtains supplemented by plastic sheeting to foil the poison gas , might have seemed a little unusual ; but who can tell what strange sights are enclosed within the cheerful light of a curtained window ? ) .
7 What might have seemed a revelation of God 's extraordinary generosity has turned out to be another expression of his terrible anger .
8 Any chance it might have seemed to have to influence an election had been disproved by Henry Wallace who , with Communist support , polled only one million Presidential votes in 1948 .
9 Then it might have seemed that , despite the setbacks of that year , popular national liberation would ultimately lead to a Europe modelled on the most advanced powers , Britain , France , Holland and the rest : nation States , administered by popularly elected governments and founded in free-trade capitalism .
10 For those who regard ethnic origin as an important part of the explanation , this might have seemed odd , for Lenin was , despite recent disputes , solidly Russian , whereas much of the intellectual leadership of the rest of European Social Democracy was drawn from minorities — Rosa Luxemburg was Polish and Jewish , Piatakov was Ukrainian , Bauer and Karl Kautsky were Austrian and Jewish etc .
11 She had not colluded , but might have seemed to .
12 Of course , I could not have expressed this view to Mr Farraday without embarking upon what might have seemed a presumptuous speech .
13 I had planned the journey here to Salisbury with considerable care , avoiding almost entirely the major roads ; the route might have seemed unnecessarily circuitous to some , but then it was one that enabled me to take in a fair number of the sights recommended by Mrs J. Symons in her excellent volumes , and I must say I was well pleased with it .
14 The 72 might have seemed boring but it put him in charge .
15 Thrush Green , to the uninitiated , might have seemed remarkably quiet that morning .
16 Perhaps they had thought such a warning from one soldier to another might have seemed an impertinence .
17 Going out to tea always seemed to her a waste of time , but to refuse might have seemed churlish , and she knew that in the country one ought to be friends with one 's neighbours .
18 Had it not been for splintered wood and debris Alas on deck , and a ripped sail or two , the storm might have seemed no more than a bad dream .
19 Though doing so shortly after the Gulf war and in a recession might have seemed risky , Airtours had its reasons .
20 How she regretted those words now , however true they might have seemed at the time .
21 Selina 's next move might have seemed an odd one for someone out to make a name for herself .
22 Measurement has been used to examine the nature of variation between pairs of saucer brooches , particularly the ornament variation ( Dickinson 1982 ) ; the study was based on 52 pairs of cast saucer brooches , but a number of problems were encountered with what might have seemed a straightforward piece of research ( ibid. 22–3 ) .
23 NAM Chairman Roger Bryan felt it was very important to remember every effort made at fund-raising , while at the time the work might have seemed far removed from aviation preservation , this work was incremental in the success of the overall project .
24 Later abolitionists exemplified in Buxton and Cropper , though it might have seemed easier for them to adopt antislavery as a routine , not only maintained vital feeling in their commitment but possessed sufficient accompanying serenity — ‘ we have more than human help ’ — to accommodate setbacks and ‘ to triumph over the storms which surround them ’ .
25 In 1935 it might have seemed as if Hollywood was moving into a period of labour and political films but such was not the case .
26 Obispal believed in the force of will , in his own ruthless aura ; and indeed , except for the evidence of lurid , puckered scar tissue across one cheek , he might have seemed invulnerable .
27 Twenty-five years ago , in flower-power hippie days , such idealism might have seemed slightly more in kilter with the times .
28 On various occasions I have been able to exploit pupils ' own interests for mathematical ends , however transient the interest might have seemed .
29 To Victorian eyes , any interior from that earlier period might have seemed underfurnished ; but the construction that George Eliot puts on the dominance of walls and ceiling is decisively Victorian in its moral emphasis : ‘ in walking through these rooms with their splendid ceilings and their meagre furniture , which tell how all the spare money had been absorbed before personal comfort was thought of , I have felt that there dwelt in this old English baronet some of that sublime spirit which distinguishes art from luxury , and worships beauty apart from self-indulgence ’ .
30 To the first readers of Middlemarch , however , an elaboration of her plans might have seemed redundant , for if her ambitions were unusual in her own time , they were routine responsibilities by the 1870s .
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