Example sentences of "years [that] lie " in BNC.

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1 He has earned the gratitude of every Conservative , and the brightest of best wishes for the challenging and exciting five years that lie ahead .
2 Quality of service is a concept which needs to be recognised and implemented by businesses who hope to survive and grow in the years that lie ahead .
3 Old people as a group are neither sweet nor cross-grained , but each is the sum of the years that lie behind them .
4 Now her time and talents are required elsewhere , and we would like to say a sincere thank you , and assure her of our prayers and good wishes in the months and years that lie ahead .
5 Look , Miranda , he said , those twenty long years that lie between you and me .
6 The diversity of the Welsh economy will be one of the greatest benefits to Wales in the years that lie ahead .
7 I strongly predict that the changes that have come about in the Soviet Union are likely to come to China in a different form but to the same degree in the years that lie ahead .
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