Example sentences of "would enable they " in BNC.

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1 I merely want to make the limited point that many of these students — who may be highly intelligent — do not have the existing familiarity with poetry , not to mention the general knowledge and cultural literacy , that would enable them to engage as equals in genuinely critical discussion .
2 Others such as George Cadbury , who initiated Bournville Village in 1897 , and Joseph Rowntree who started New Earswick Village , York , in 1904 , experimented in creating model communities of houses built at prices which would enable them to be let at rents within the reach of working-class incomes .
3 For Marx this historical work was also political , because he believed that understanding the workers ' condition through the study of history would enable them the better to fight it .
4 The development was welcomed by exhibitors , who felt that stage adaptations would enable them to attract a better class of customer , but they were n't to know what they were letting themselves in for .
5 A victory for Taunton would enable them to return to the National League after relegation last year .
6 Now the veil of ignorance deprives the persons in the original position of the knowledge that would enable them to choose heteronomous principles .
7 It does not seem possible that such women just were not able to have part-time work that would enable them to keep house for an elderly parent , and do their own thing as well .
8 The mathematics were simple : £10,000 would enable them to fatten up their piglets , sell them off in the autumn , clear their overdraft and continue preserving all the surviving Old Spot bloodlines .
9 The libraries with the most extensive training programmes were most likely to be the ones who had clearly identified their training needs , and who were looking for ways of either increasing or maintaining the effectiveness of their training by developing methods that would enable them to get round the restriction of decreasing staff ‘ mobility ’ .
10 This would enable them to produce more , without a commensurate increase in effort , and thus earn a higher wage or salary .
11 If accepted , this would enable them to construct a continuation of Light Railway No. 3 from the Croydon Boundary to the centre of Croydon .
12 It would enable them to make comparisons between the language they are learning and their own language , and engage in the kind of rational enquiry which is encouraged in other subjects on the curriculum .
13 The liquidator does not know of the existence of stock records in support of £50,620 , and XY Ltd , in taking over the stock , stated they did not have schedules/lists which would enable them to identify what they took over .
14 ‘ Companies would benefit by drawing from a wider pool of talent and ability than is currently considered , ’ he writes , ‘ and it would enable them to appoint more women .
15 In each of the corners of the civilised world , men and women pondered the flawed and tragic conditions of human life and attempted to find solutions that would enable them to survive the suffering that flesh is heir to .
16 The Mensheviks , convinced that only an early peace would enable them to consolidate the new regime , looked to the Stockholm conference in much the same spirit as did Ramsay MacDonald — to mobilize democratic forces in Western Europe to impose a negotiated peace on the warring states .
17 Companies such as Rover , Alfa-Romeo and Seat became increasingly caught in no man 's land , insufficiently large to compete on effective terms with the Big Six and yet unable to gain a secure niche in the market which would enable them to compete with the luxury car makers .
18 The key that they thought would enable them to achieve this was palladium , a light grey metal similar to platinum in appearance .
19 None of these animals have the sort of intelligence that would enable them to function as successful human beings ( ignoring the physical differences ) , but then we would not seem to have the kind of intelligence that would enable us to operate successfully in their environments .
20 In any case , virtually no heterosexual feminists have an analysis of heterosexism , which would enable them to deny they are lesbians without making it seem as if they are happy not to be .
21 There he was to search the Scriptures and the writings of the early Fathers and write a book which would be distributed to the universities and would enable them to give their advice as to whether the Pope had authority to enable a man to marry his deceased brother 's wife .
22 In between these two extremes comes the large mass of honourable and intelligent outdoor enthusiasts who listen to the frothings and bayings back and forth between the two factions with alarm , but without the detailed information from both sides which would enable them freely and democratically to make up their own minds , and if necessary bring their concerted pressure to bear on one side or the other to desist .
23 This would enable them to set up a business on a more settled and permanent trading basis .
24 It would enable them to develop their policy and practice on the ground , so that management was seen to deliver real and positive benefits to the wider community .
25 The preface also notes that ‘ the poor and disenfranchised communities ( in South Africa ) have had limited access to information and the resources which would enable them to make decisions that will direct their own future . ’
26 Such recordings would enable them to monitor the effectiveness of certain maintenance and operational procedures by means of automatic read-out and computerised analysis .
27 Taiwan 's telecommunications industry is objecting to a plan by the Directorate General of Telecommunications to invite only foreign bidders for its Intelligent Network project : domestic companies claim to have 80% of the necessary capabilities for the $285,000N project , and are arguing that agreements with foreign partners would enable them to fulfil the conditions .
28 Mr Fu , probably illiterate , can not get the kind of job with a township enterprise that would enable them to keep up with the Lis .
29 The turbo-alternator manufacturers reckoned that it would enable them to cut between six and nine months off delivery dates , and the boiler-makers reckoned the standardisation of boilers to supply steam to the standard units would also speed up construction .
30 As Citrine had earlier told his colleagues , a tactical retreat of accepting the Minister 's suggestion and then showing it to be ineffective would enable them better to assert their independence in future .
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