Example sentences of "no wonder i " in BNC.

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1 No wonder I got dizzy !
2 No wonder I needed to protect myself so strongly , build up such elaborate defences .
3 No wonder I had felt so calm .
4 You know he 's going into the country so I 'm to go too and I 'll live nearby in a little room or a shed , for I 'm going to put my life in order , I 'm crazed with living in London and in the pubs and getting drunk every day , no wonder I could n't write poetry , for I could n't think .
5 No wonder I was happy !
6 No wonder I feel that sixty is a good age to be !
7 No wonder I had a fat face .
8 No wonder I was struggling over money !
9 No wonder I got the damned boat cheaply , ’ he said .
10 No wonder I could n't quite believe it when we went into the top entrance of OFD II and it opened into wide open spaces where it was easy to walk at full height .
11 I do n't know what it is , so no wonder I ca n't talk about it .
12 Well most of the time yes Doctor pills were very very good in those days and then of course gin and loads of Epsom Salts brought you down to last leg , no wonder I 've got arthritis .
13 I thought : no wonder I felt so terrible yesterday .
14 No wonder I 'm not getting anywhere when I have to spend half my time holding my tie in place to cover the gap !
15 God , no wonder I 'm driven to go out and have affairs !
16 No wonder I could n't hear .
17 No wonder I 'm returning to live closer to my alma mater .
18 No wonder I 'd seen so little of her .
19 as if I 'd only been half awake before so no wonder I could n't do anything . ’
20 No wonder I could n't locate you . ’
21 No wonder I can cope with the pattern which beat your mother .
22 No wonder I 'm shaking .
23 Yeah I 'm going to getting the stamps off these en envelopes cos I have to put all these in a hurry in the end , also got loads of time , then I realised it was half past ten , no wonder I did n't get anything at home forgotten where we keep them
24 No wonder I could n't get a bleeding ace .
25 No wonder I 've only got a four !
26 No wonder I fucking got no money
27 Good god , no wonder I ca n't remember much about this then
28 Yeah , I know One pair of those tights were seven ninety nine , it 's no wonder I thought they were nice when I looked at them .
29 No wonder I like things I was looking at these tights , yeah , it 's just one pair , and they were about eight pounds
30 and a cup of coffee and a cigarette , and I always do that but this day I was so tired after the doing the garden , both gardens like and fucking weeding them all and doing everything else and brushing out the back and doing I said to him for fuck 's sake do them dishes for me for a change William would you I said , so I got er got myself in the bath said I 'm away to bingo , so William 's gone out what happened ? eight , I had eight he had one you may get yourself I said ah fuck no wonder I have no fucking luck , so on the settee and said I 'm not going anywhere , I sat for ten minutes then I said ah fuck you why should I sit here so I lifted the car keys and walked out again then , fucking zooming out of and there was John coming up like that
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