Example sentences of "order to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It may have been necessary for Jesus to have eaten a few fishes in order to survive in first-century Palestine , but it is not now necessary to feast on the bodies of dead animals in order to be healthy .
2 ‘ You are what you eat ’ is a favourite maxim , and eating the right things is important in order to be healthy at every stage of life .
3 Even the churches , in making reports about Gartcosh , teachers ' pay , inner-city deprivation or whatever , are drawn into this political debate and inevitably they feel in order to be relevant they must offer political and practical solutions .
4 Initially what we should all do is go back and look at those draft guidelines for the registration of nursing homes and be prepared to pull them to pieces , not so much for what they are saying but for what they are not saying and ought to be saying in order to be relevant .
5 In early sixteenth-century London it was customary for the most pious lay people to rush from church to church in order to be present at as many elevations of the host as possible in a single day .
6 It is the haven , therefore , for the bacteria that perform the decomposition process — they need air , and we can say that , in order to be fertile and support our roses , the soil has to contain organic matter , moisture , air and bacteria .
7 Second point is that Barton Willmore say again a settlement of two and a half thousand is needed in order to be viable , well a settlement of two and a half thousand can not possibly be justified under the statistics that we have heard to date , and it is ni it is noteworthy that Barton Willmore representative did not actually promote a need argument , therefore the settlement at two and a half thousand is n well the settlement at two and a half thousand is not necessary , and anything less than that is unsustainable , so therefore in my in my view that is a a further reason why it should not be contemplated as a solution .
8 In order to be fruitful , competition must be open , rather than closed ; or , rather , must be perceived by the participants to be open , rather than closed .
9 It is important to recognize and come to terms with these feelings in order to be positive- and constructive about the manage .
10 In that trial the author was defended on the grounds that he had to transgress moral respectability in order to be moral at a deeper , more authentic level dictated by personal conscience .
11 Experience in Leeds suggests that intervention must take place at an early stage in order to be effective .
12 Also , the slow course of the disease implied that any drug would have to be given for a long time in order to be effective and so would have to be particularly harmless to patients .
13 There is no statutory procedure for withdrawing such a notice , neither has the resignation to be reported to the council in order to be effective .
14 Of course in order to be effective anti-viral agents they must at some stage be dependent on a viral enzyme to convert them into their active form , or they must selectively inhibit viral enzymes directly .
15 Loft insulation should be at least 4 inches ( 100 mm ) thick in order to be effective .
16 In order to be effective , the level of intervention to regulate corporate crime has to be organizational rather than individual .
17 If the Court of Session could make an order of the same nature , it was better to resort to its jurisdiction ; if it would not make such an order , the English court would hesitate the more before seeking to make an order to be effective in Scotland .
18 Discuss the evidence which suggests that in order to be effective , a manager can and should be flexible in the choice of his managerial style .
19 In order to be effective , the resolution emphasized , such initiatives would require adequate financial support for growth-oriented adjustment programmes , including debt service reduction and the provision of new funds , thus making payment compatible with sustained economic reactivation , growth and the satisfaction of social needs .
20 The emotions that are stirred by a human sacrifice will be useful to us , in order to be certain we have enough power for the Wete Mo Nan Dlo .
21 In order to be certain that the Blox would have peace , quiet and privacy when they needed it , we arranged with Sunsail to charter two bareboat Oceanis 320s , and to take them from Göcek , Sunsail 's base in Fethiye Bay , south and east towards the wild and lovely Kekova Roads .
22 Joshua , in order to be friendly , asked Harvey if he had heard of Clemenceau 's remark about Lloyd George , made at the Paris Peace Conference after the Kaiser 's War ?
23 Unless our self-image stays ahead of the reality we create , reality will ‘ snap back ’ in order to be consistent .
24 Data must always be put into a fuller perspective in order to be useful .
25 The quota is the smallest number of votes the candidate has to get in order to be sure of getting a seat .
26 In order to be sure that our data would be as reliable as possible a decision was made to report only on those countries from which we had received at least three questionnaires among which there was a high level of agreement .
27 If I actually follow you down the street in order to be sure that you do n't throw it away or forget to post it , for instance , then I at one and the same time become certain that you 've posted it and display a lack of faith that you will do so .
28 A government needs to retain the confidence of the House from year to year in order to be sure of this authorisation .
29 The important judicial dignities in Edinburgh attracted a great deal of competitive interest , and men watched the health of the incumbents closely in order to be sure to be first to ask for the vacant place in the event of a death .
30 It can be quite difficult , however , to arrange to film next year 's ice cream commercial this August , in order to be sure of sunshine and leaves on the trees , because decisions on products to be advertised might not be taken until the end of the current season .
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