Example sentences of "move [adv prt] into the " in BNC.

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1 Eighteen months later he moved on into the marketing and sales department , where he was responsible for liaising between Harwell and the EEC .
2 Setting men to guard both , Douglas and Ramsay moved on into the outer bailey , hardly able to believe their good fortune thus far .
3 It found an eddy where the outpouring of a supply conduit splashed steadily , and it swung , steadied , and then moved on into the gloom .
4 He went by the window , without a glance , and moved on into the night .
5 From there they moved on into the Cambrian mountains ; and for three days they toiled through the worst storms of the year .
6 Our immediate problems were sorting out our living arrangements , for although it had been agreed with Tandri that we would occupy the ship 's only excuse for a cabin we now found our things moved down into the hold .
7 Forester checked the drawers and cupboards before he moved through into the main room .
8 The first problem occurred when they left the road and moved off into the open desert .
9 The car moved off into the darkness and the rain .
10 Soon they were calling and shouting to each other as they moved off into the forest .
11 For a second she thought they must have turned the other way , and then she saw them again , riding through the trees , the sunlight striking them before they moved off into the shadows .
12 Then , throwing her a wink , he turned and moved off into the crowd .
13 After about forty minutes Van Gelder moved up into the bows with a portable six-inch searchlight which , on such a clear night , had an effective range of over a mile .
14 Mr. F.J. Norris , the Head of Modern Languages , had first come to the School , on teaching practice , in 1933 , and returned in January 1934 as Form Master of Junior A. He soon moved up into the Senior School .
15 The small village was completely silent as the Marines who had landed at the small fishing jetty moved up into the plateau where the houses were built .
16 And er I I as I say I moved up into the next er school .
17 ‘ We all moved back into the drawing-room for coffee , ’ said Henry , ‘ and I performed my arty trick with the cream and the back of a spoon . ’
18 The economy moved back into the black in February after a Dm412m deficit during January but the latest Dm1.6 billion surplus is still well below the comparable Dm2.1 billion a year earlier .
19 As they moved back into the drawing room Alex Mair introduced Dalgliesh .
20 New York Giants moved back into the play-off picture by beating Washington Redskins 24–7 .
21 ‘ The constables are coming , ’ he said tersely as he moved back into the room .
22 They moved back into the sitting room and drank coffee .
23 The 126 staff moved back into the Branch on May Day Bank Holiday following the completion of an eight-month-long refurbishment .
24 Nigger barked in annoyance , and moved out into the more bearable climate of the dry heat rooms .
25 He was rearranging his hair in the rear-view mirror as the monster moved out into the traffic , scattering small boys who 'd gathered at the front of the car to try and open the bonnet , for God 's sake , and examine the engine .
26 The archaeologists camped uncomfortably inside them for a while , then moved out into the townships that had mushroomed around the site .
27 He moved out into the countryside , and eleven months later he was back in England .
28 When English merchants moved out into the world beyond Europe , it was natural enough that the Spice Islands became their ultimate objective .
29 Everyone stood up and moved out into the clearing .
30 They moved out into the social room .
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