Example sentences of "much more important [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Avoiding the crossing of a busy road , climbing a steep hill , or passing the shops can be much more important to parents than having to walk an extra few hundred yards .
2 What was much more important to me was the emergence of what I consider to be the breakdown of constitutional government .
3 He seems to be saying that we should open ourselves up to this possibility , and that if we do not do so , we may miss something that may ultimately be much more important to us than all that science is able to capture in its net .
4 That 's much more important to me than just having someone recognise my style .
5 ‘ The correct choice of a suitable male is much more important to them , so it is not in their evolutionary interests to signal their reproductive status . ’
6 Scepticism apart , much more important to Quorn 's long-term success has to be its price .
7 ‘ How can they not understand that to do a real Kitezh or a real Ruslan — as we will do in the next year or so , it 's planned — is much more honourable , much more pleasurable artistically and much more important to the artistic world that a middleclass performance of , let's say , Rigoletto , in a small opera-house in Germany or Italy ?
8 In view of the embargo on the employment of Indian troops to suppress Burmese nationalism , the Acting Supreme Commander South-East Asia informed the Chiefs of Staff that substantial British reinforcements must be despatched from Malaya , weakening the position in that territory whose rubber was much more important to Britain than Burma 's rice : and incidentally delaying the troops ' repatriation and demobilisation , a politically sensitive issue .
9 ( Parenthetically we may note , too , that Urn argues that it is these struggles within civil society that dominate in capitalist societies rather than those in the sphere of production , hence the fragmentation of the working class in national politics , because classes-in — struggle are much more important to them than class-struggle .
10 Partly because , it seems to me , his life is so much more important to him than his work , and he has seen the dreadful consequences of the solitary confinement some writers and artists consider the sine qua non of their trade .
11 Communion actually the Holy Communion has become so much more important to us and so much more exciting to us because we 're not just celebrating the living Christ we 're also celebrating the crucified Christ and we 're simply meeting our pain and our joys together in communion with him .
12 Yes you could see it would be much more important to you .
13 That was important , but much more important for me was the message that crofting , which I had seen as a hang-over , an anachronism , had enduring values I had not previously recognised .
14 In Sussex they are much more important for their breeding birds than reservoirs as they generally have much more marginal vegetation .
15 But it is very much more important for the novelist to see the trees rather than the wood .
16 Much more important for Peter was the family of his grandfather , William de Cantelupe ( died 1239 ) , whose principal residence was at Aston Cantlow , only four miles from Beaudesert .
17 But much more important for me was to be exposed to the experience of people working with the poor in the Third World whose suffering results from debt .
18 Maybe it has become much more important for a younger generation of women artists ?
19 Intra-EC trade is much more important for spirits than for other alcoholic drinks and such trade is dominated by UK exports of Scotch .
20 We have had a number of computer failures where the computerisation has resulted in loss of information and much more important for the taxpayer , losses to the taxpayer . ’
21 Third , while of modest significance for US business as a whole , overseas investment was much more important for the giant multinational enterprises .
22 What 's much more important for him is of course is that he 's score , got his name on the score sheet and Tony will be such a relieved man , and the crowd 's so delighted for him .
23 Much more important as a cantata composer was Rossi , a childhood pupil of de Macque .
24 John Disley , course director of the first 11 London marathons , says : ‘ Because road running has become so much more important in recent years — in some countries even more important than track and field events — it seems to be sensible for world records to be ratified . ’
25 Learning theories have been much more important in positivist theorising about the acquisition of criminal tendencies .
26 The timing of operations is much more important in microprogramming than in conventional programming .
27 What was much more important in the rise of MacGregor , he said , was that in private he was genial company and , more importantly , his ‘ decency ’ .
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