Example sentences of "was considering [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He said the Government was considering allowing councillors from each of the three districts within Powys to play a part in local services .
2 But it was made so hastily that not even the government 's advisory committee on waste management was consulted ; one member of the committee , Professor John Greenings , said he was considering resigning in protest .
3 The Arab world was alarmed at the implications of the new Cabinet for the peace process , formed as it was at a time when the USA was considering breaking off its 16-month dialogue with the PLO , following the abortive raid on the Israeli coast on May 30 [ see this page for breaking off of dialogue on June 20 ] .
4 RSVP was formed soon after the NRA announced it was considering building the reservoir in spring 1991 .
5 C Itoh Electronics , the trading house subsidiary which is one of the players in the Japanese X-terminal market has shed some light on last month 's story that Sun was considering building its own X-terminal ( UX No 399 ) .
6 The next day , US State Department representative Margaret Tutwiler hinted to reporters that Baker was considering transferring his attention from the Middle East to areas of the world " where the circumstances are producing change " , although he continued to hold meetings on the Middle East during January .
7 One practice was considering using its surplus to employ an additional orthopaedic surgeon at the district general hospital to clear the practice 's long orthopaedic waiting list .
8 By Thursday he was considering aborting the venture altogether and returning to Hobart .
9 The submissions made by Mr. Collins for Winchester on this issue can be summarised as follows : ( i ) in exercising its functions as a recognised S.R.O. , Lautro was under a duty to act in accordance with the rules of natural justice : to act fairly in the circumstances ; ( ii ) that duty was owed not merely to Lautro 's member , Norwich Union , but to persons or bodies who would be prejudicially affected by its decisions , in particular to those whose earnings or profits would be affected ; ( iii ) fairness required that a body in the position of Winchester should be notified that Lautro was considering issuing an intervention notice , and be given the opportunity to make representations before the decision to issue the intervention notice .
10 Mr Recorder Paul Worsley adjourned the case until Friday for social inquiry reports to be prepared because he was considering locking Largue up as a warning to other young drivers .
11 His remarks came as Labour employment spokesman , Mr Henry McLeish , denied reports that the party was considering replacing the automatic payment of welfare benefits with a policy which would require many unemployed either to find a job or to accept full-time training or higher education .
12 Harwell was considering diversifying into new non-nuclear areas for the offshore and biotechnology industries .
13 Russian newspapers said on Feb. 12 that the Russian Republic was considering setting up Russian armed forces .
14 Britain , said the press , was considering buying Exocet missiles , having been caught with trousers down .
15 I do not want to get rid of him , so I was considering buying a 24″ × 24″ × 24″ tank for him alone .
16 He told the assistant that he was considering buying an electronic typewriter .
17 The idea was that Frank was considering emigrating to Australia to help his grandfather — played by Dick Bentley , the original Ron in The Glums radio serial — to run his large sheep station , and the ability to fly would help enormously .
18 She entered into technical discussions with the shopkeepers in a way totally beyond the capacity of Owen and Mahmoud , explaining that while she normally wore only French perfume , she was considering experimenting with a combination of French and Arab scents : ‘ une vraie Cairéenne , n'est ce pas ? ’
19 It was also reported that , in late July , the special prosecutor investigating the Iran-contra scandal , Lawrence Walsh , was considering bringing criminal conspiracy charges against former President Ronald Reagan and some of his advisers .
20 With his popularity falling in the opinion polls , and the prospect of much of his planned legislative programme becoming paralysed by the Diet 's preoccupation with the two scandals , Miyazawa even hinted that he was considering calling an early general election .
21 At the time , Suter said it was considering taking action against other parties .
22 He was considering taking off the play .
23 He said it was believed that Aeroflot , the Russian airline was also interested in starting a Transatlantic service from Stansted and was considering taking over the American Airlines route .
24 He was considering taking orders , but soon became dispirited by the contrast between the stuffy cant of Wigan 's vicarage and the godless poverty of his parish .
25 John Barratt , for that was his name , paid an investigatory visit to Coniston Mines , was impressed with what he found , and wrote on the 4th August 1823 to Lady le Fleming to say that he was considering taking the mine .
26 The Grand Prix title could bring her earnings in just one week to an unprecedented £120,000 nice work for a girl who last year was considering taking up a full-time job because she was struggling to make a living on the Grand Prix circuit .
27 The United Nations said it was considering evacuating foreign aid workers .
28 On publication of the findings , Carriers , a leading US air-conditioning and refrigerator manufacturer , announced that it would inform its clients of the dangers of HCFC-123 and was considering advising its service engineers not to work on machines containing the material .
29 We had several pieces of rolling stock stored at Councillor Jim McBriar 's farm , and as he was considering selling the land on which they were sitting , we were asked to remove them as quickly as possible .
30 Remember the sensational flurry a couple of years back when we picked up word that IBM Corp was considering making an agreed offer for Apple Computer Inc ?
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