Example sentences of "is generally considered " in BNC.

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1 Most drama training works on the assumption that there is something called ‘ standard English ’ , which is generally considered to be the ‘ straight ’ delivery of words without affectation or regional variation .
2 ‘ As a driver who is generally considered as being more level-headed than most , I want to know whether there is any danger of me being banned for two months if I have an accident here at Phoenix .
3 The scheme is generally considered successful in making science more enjoyable and accessible for students , though the goal of independent practical work by students has for the most part not been achieved .
4 The extent and variety of these activities are astonishing , but while almost everyone is aware of them , and although the majority of us fiddle in one way or another , fiddling is generally considered a trivial activity without serious implications .
5 The popularity of the area , which attracts some 2000 hired boats and 3000 private craft in the summer months ( Crawford 1985 ) , is gradually causing the impoverishment of what is generally considered to be one of Britain 's most attractive wetland areas .
6 It is generally considered good to manipulate the controls of a machine but bad to manipulate election results .
7 The Front is generally considered to lie south of the Kent Coalfield , within which there is no evidence of thrusting , and to link with the Midi Overthrust south of Cap Griz Nez across the Channel ( Wallace 1968 , 1983 ) .
8 The seated figure found at Tada , on the River Niger 200 km north of Ife , is generally considered one of the masterpieces of Ife sculpture .
9 The policy for science and technology has been developed in tandem with the new Labour government 's economic and industrial policies and is generally considered part of any plans for national recovery and reconstruction .
10 While certain proteins cause these effects to a less extent than others , it is generally considered that uncontrolled adsorption of protein on surfaces in large amounts is undesirable if the surface is to be biocompatible .
11 Whenever a place is being furnished for the use of young children , a set of blocks is generally considered one of the basic pieces of equipment to be provided .
12 Phylloxera is generally considered to be the greatest disaster in French viticultural history , but in some respects it has also been a blessing .
13 There is no express disqualification from voting in the case of mental patients other than the general reference to ‘ any legal incapacity to vote ’ in s.1(l) ( b ) ( i ) of the 1983 Act but it is generally considered that any person who , at the moment of voting , lacked capacity to understand what he was immediately about to do , whether by reason of mental illness or drunkenness , etc. , could be denied the right to vote by the presiding officer at the poll .
14 FOUR years old is generally considered to be a reasonable age for learning to ski .
15 Not only have food costs been above average , but the labour turnover has been relatively high , which is a little odd since Fred is generally considered to be genial and well liked ( though we must add that we have found no evidence that this is true as far as his staff are concerned ) .
16 Although there is an operation for this purpose , called ventriculocordectomy , it is generally considered to be undesirable .
17 In contrast , U is generally considered significantly more incompatible than Pb during melting .
18 For soft X-ray attenuation is generally considered to be significant .
19 Kurk wool is generally considered to be among the very best available .
20 The last highlighted expression in the Russian back-translation , ‘ the opportunity will make itself available ’ , illustrates the use of the reflexive , which is particularly common in Russian and is generally considered stylistically equivalent to the passive in English .
21 Apart from the notion of transition outlined above , and unlike the Hallidayan approach , where the verb is generally considered part of the rheme , FSP theory assigns thematic or rhematic status to the verb depending on the context and the semantics of the verb itself .
22 Clearly , these categories of disability blur the borderline between what is generally considered as disability and what is considered the increasing frailty of old age .
23 Certainly in certain professions such as teaching , nursing or social work it is generally considered that a desire to serve the public is of paramount importance .
24 It is generally considered that the name Corstopitum is corrupt and Rivet and Smith prefer Coriosopitum .
25 It has often struck me that remedial classes everywhere in the school system are heavily populated with boys needing help with their language development , yet when able girls slide down in mathematics , that is generally considered as something ‘ natural ’ about which no active steps need be taken .
26 Whether or not he would eventually have become chief executive is academic : the move to Provincial seems to have met a need to apply what is generally considered to be the sharp mind and highly effective set of skills of this simultaneously affable and well-organised character to a more absorbing challenge .
27 Although this is generally considered a thing of the past , there has been a revival in the popularity of the solidly built , veneered Thirties suite with its square lines .
28 The Leninist theory of capitalist expansionism is generally considered to be the orthodox Marxist position .
29 Also , the normal deglutitive response is generally considered to consist of a contraction wave that appears at manometry as a single or M shaped peak .
30 Although the procedure is generally considered to be safe , complications related to cannulation , contrast injection , and sphincterotomy may occur , and include cholangitis , haemorrhage , perforation , and pancreatitis .
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