Example sentences of "is generally associated " in BNC.

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1 Oakridge is generally associated with an episode in the mid-19th century when local men burnt down what was intended to become Stroud 's new isolation hospital .
2 These days the word ‘ tourist ’ is generally associated with the package holiday-maker who follows a known itinerary and for whom all the arrangements are made by a travel company .
3 The era of rising global prosperity is generally associated with most industrial nations pursuing active economic management policies — manipulating tax rates and public expenditure — to maintain full employment , economic growth and price stability .
4 The mock events turn out to reproduce the data only when the quarks and gluons are made to convert differently into particles , for the comparison with theory shows that the lowest-energy jet is generally associated with the gluon .
5 She was a founding member of the Royal Academy in 1768 , and in Britain is generally associated in the popular mind with Robert Adam 's decorative schemes .
6 Women 's lesser aggressiveness , for instance , which could be understood as a positive characteristic , is generally associated with deficits in socially-valued traits like competitiveness and achievement motivation .
7 Turbidity is generally associated with surface-water supplies , and ground water , particularly that from deep wells or bore-holes , is usually quite clear .
8 For instance , in both spoken and written English definiteness is generally associated with given information and indefiniteness with new information .
9 Flagelliflory , the presentation of flowers on long peduncles , occurs in several unrelated groups and is generally associated with bat pollination , but a whole family of plants in a wide range of habitats in tropical America has all its species bat-pollinated with the flowers projecting above the canopy ; namely the Caryocaraceae .
10 ( ii ) PG in sheep is generally associated with a variety of nematode genera with differing epidemiological characteristics .
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