Example sentences of "to accepting [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the contrary , the US decision , which was taken without consultation or advance notice , will act as a strong deterrent to accepting a US proposal last week that the Alliance should involve itself in regional issues outside Europe .
2 Having ‘ failed ’ to find the curriculum or examination version of the Holy Grail for themselves during the sixties and seventies ( and having exhausted themselves in the process ) the schools are , at the moment , resigned to accepting a string of panaceas from without — the YTS/TVEI initiatives are now being superseded or subsumed by the National Curriculum cure-all .
3 UK Prime Minister John Major and his Australian counterpart , Bob Hawke , were said to have agreed to try to win other Commonwealth leaders round to accepting a process of dismantling sanctions .
4 The French smoothed Britain 's way to accepting the Exchange Rate Mechanism by announcing the dropping of exchange controls .
5 When Mr Shamir 's government fell apart , it was closer than ever before to accepting the American terms for talks with the Palestinians , even though in the end Mr Shamir proved too much of a hawk to start talking .
6 The first argument to scotch is that Britain has committed itself over the years to accepting the single currency and the central bank .
7 Thus , there are no commitments to accepting the plan for a central bank .
8 Too many women have been brain-washed for centuries in to accepting the old saying : 'A son 's a son till he gets him a wife , but a daughter 's a daughter all her life . ’
9 Many old people face up to accepting the necessity for admission to a residential home , on the basis of discussion within the family and advice from professional workers .
10 Our way now should be clear to accepting the propriety of applying these principles to the modern-day working environment , calling the slaves , workers and the masters , bosses .
11 Beyond this the practical stress of sanctions is seen as unhelpful in the development and maintenance of law , since the person who is threatened is not only psychologically less open to accepting the ethical demands of law but may indeed by virtue of the threat be under a reduced ethical obligation to conform to the sanctioned law .
12 The argument in the preceding paragraph is tantamount to accepting the interpretation put upon Kant 's dictum , earlier in this chapter , that animals are means to an end : ‘ That end is man . ’
13 Nevertheless , sponsors of commissioned works are committed to accepting the finished product , even if the composer fails to produce exactly what was envisaged or specified .
14 Women are more used to accepting the consequences of what they do and accepting their own failings , while men simply must have someone to blame . ’
15 On Nov. 27 , following direct talks brokered by the UN , dos Santos and Savimbi issued the " Namibie Declaration " in which they committed themselves to accepting the Bicesse Peace Accord and implementing a ceasefire , and to a continuing UN presence in the country .
16 3.5 In addition to this the Trade Union has very reluctantly accepted the principle of job cuts and by agreeing to accepting the deletion of New Technology Allowance for all new entrants have agreed to those staff suffering a wage cut .
17 The case which comes closest to accepting the principle as a rule of law enforceable by journalists is R v Felixstowe Justices ex parte Leigh : David Leigh , an experienced reporter on " The Observer " was writing an article about a controversial case which had been heard in Felixstowe Magistrates Court .
18 But it was plain afterwards that the Israelis had not moved one tiny step closer to accepting the United Nations Commission of Enquiry into the Temple Mount killings last week .
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