Example sentences of "to be locked " in BNC.

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1 There is no biographical key with which it can be unlocked — and I have not been trying to turn one in this essay of mine , which does not believe it , for that matter , to be locked .
2 ‘ If someone shot that other dog , ’ said Lee , ‘ Caspar would n't have to be locked up all the time . ’
3 But tonight , although she had left it open on many other nights , it happened to be locked .
4 ‘ … ought to be locked up … ’
5 ‘ You realize , Stevens , I do n't expect you to be locked up here in this house all the time I 'm away .
6 And when she straightened up and went to take the key from the lock his hand was there before hers , and as he handed the key back to her , he said on a laugh , ‘ I see you do n't intend to be locked in from the outside . ’
7 They seem to be locked in a time warp but this has become their biggest selling point because , by remaining stubbornly unlike every other manufacturer , their instruments can not fail to be distinctive .
8 I just want him to be locked away
9 As my friend David Jessel has pointed out , even if 99 per cent of all criminal convictions are correct , that still leaves in a prison population of 40,000 some 400 who have no business being there ; and I can not imagine any experience more demoralizing than to be locked up for years for a crime one did n't commit .
10 ‘ within the hearing or sight of a person ’ This can be proved by observing the reactions of passers-by or persons to whom the insults etc. were directed , e.g. ‘ I saw two old ladies hurry past looking disgusted and saying , ‘ You ought to be locked up ’ ' .
11 He had to stifle his gasp of annoyance as he found the door to be locked .
12 He tried the door to the parcels office , but it seemed to be locked tightly .
13 PERSISTENT young lawbreakers are to be locked up in tough new training centres under proposals announced by Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke yesterday .
14 Those who call for ‘ violent young thugs ’ to be locked up should understand a little more and condemn a little less , he says .
15 He received visits in the asylum , and Boswell reports that on one occasion , probably in 1760 , Dr Johnson thought Smart ought to be locked up ; his opinion varied , as no doubt did Smart 's condition , from time to time .
16 You 're not too big yet to be locked in your room . ’
17 Look at the wish to be locked in , the wish for the dark , the wish to be watched , to have one 's secrets known , to be taken over by someone else .
18 ‘ You 're a bastard and thief and deserve to be locked up for the rest of your life ’
19 One outraged victim Gail York , 23 , yelled : ‘ You 're a bastard and a thief and deserve to be locked up for the rest of your life . ’
20 Magellan captured a number of these immense people — one pair by the crud trick of showing them leg-irons and insisting that the proper way to carry them was to allow them to be locked around their ankles .
21 Those clamps had to be locked at the Air Force base where they were loaded So they would have to have a key there .
22 ‘ Oh , you cheeky cuss , ’ she said , ‘ I might be poor and 'omeless , but I 'm respectable , I am , and I ai n't goin' to listen to you talkin' about my bottom , you ought to be locked up for even mentioning it . ’
23 More significantly , they seem to be locked into a caricature of British politics .
24 The servants were allowed to go out at the discretion of the matron and the house surgeon , and the house was to be locked up at 10 p.m .
25 But , within a couple of months of coming to the throne , Siraj-ud-Daula marched on Calcutta , seized and plundered it after a few days of frantic but ill-prepared resistance , and allowed the few British survivors of the seige to be locked up in the prison of the fortress for the night .
26 It permits homes to be locked up at night , although it states : ‘ On no account should children be locked into their bedrooms at night whatever their age and competence . ’
27 He said , ‘ He ought to be locked up , vicious loony like that , ’ and stood up .
28 To be locked inextricably in the overhang would have been nearly as disastrous as a dismasting .
29 It should be a mounting series of difficulties , only here the difficulties are not major confrontations but small incidents such as a foot caught in a briar root or a gate that has always been open now proving to be locked .
30 The disabled political activist is likely to be locked into pressure-group politics , escaping a passive disabled lifestyle by becoming the active spokesperson for others , who continue in their passive and dependent lives .
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