Example sentences of "to [art] halt " in BNC.

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1 Concerned and caring , and always moved by the underdog , you willingly devote time to the halt and the lame .
2 So we came to the halt , everything worked perfectly and I was astonished how easy this all was , I rather fancy it was the one blade digging gently in and scribing a beautiful arc to port , all the time into wind ; it was the gentlest of one-wheel landings that could ever have been attained .
3 Together with its stultifying racial enmities , this seems to have brought it to a halt , and placed it beyond history .
4 But just as the mere thought of the long run is liable to blight any work on which one is engaged , so the thought of a tone distinct from though inseparable from the shit is guaranteed to bring even the most promising project to a halt .
5 But , almost at the end of the ascent , there came a new series of alarming jerks and they juddered to a halt once more .
6 The plane bumped to a halt , the engine coughed and died , and two figures in leather flying helmets swung out of the open cockpit and came towards them arm in arm .
7 Work slowed to a halt until Donald Steuart clattered up on his cart and began to lift down hefty canvas bags from the tailboard .
8 Class 25 No 25303 draws to a halt at Finedon Road , Wellingborough , with an up local trip working on 1 July 1981 .
9 Wilson said it all when he said ‘ after half a century of democratic advance , the whole process has ground to a halt with a fourteenth earl ’ .
10 ‘ There must come a time when it is called to a halt , ’ Lord Donaldson said .
11 A tug on it sounds a buzzer in the driver 's cab and brings him to a halt .
12 The man opposite me yanks the communication cord , and we lurch to a halt .
13 When the runners , who included several international competitors , arrived at the crossing at Strensall , near York , they found a single policeman calling them to a halt .
14 A burst of automatic fire up front and to our left brings the column to a halt as we then squat on the wet ground and watch the tracers shoot off across the night sky .
15 The glacier ends in a cliff that calves small icebergs that head seaward , grind to a halt when they hit the sand base of the river and dissolve in tears at the indignity of it all .
16 I was brought rudely back to the real world by Tony 's tripod coming off the top of the pile of clatch ( odds and ends ) piled up above the seat and hitting me on the head as the truck lurched to a halt , diving itself into a drift of deep snow .
17 The incident occurred on lap 50 , by which time Mansell had already ground to a halt with no gears .
18 He was eventually classified tenth even though engine failure to the Ford HB V8 had brought his race to a halt six laps from the end .
19 Picking up the radio handset , he called the exercise to a halt .
20 The two vans come to a halt in their standard configuration .
21 Just about everyone hoped they would disappear without trace when that tide ebbed and frenetic buying and selling ground to a halt .
22 THE LONDON Film Festival — the largest ever mounted — grinds to a halt on Sunday with a performance of Ettore Scola 's What Time Is It ?
23 Between disquisitions on Chinese opera and Venetian architecture , the story of Marco Polo 's voyage from Venice to Peking is more or less retold , though the narrative is continually being brought to a halt in moments when it half-realises that it does not mean enough .
24 The message from the influential backbench Treasury and Civil Service Committee came as the latest official figures provided further evidence of the economy grinding to a halt .
25 Heavy-handed government attempts to curb inflation could jeopardise Britain 's chances of exploiting a barrier-free Europe after 1992 , MPs warn , amid further evidence of the economy grinding to a halt .
26 London Transport said it would not have dismissed strike leaders even if it knew their identity , for fear of bringing the Underground system to a halt .
27 WITH the exquisite sense of timing of the champion yachtsman Alan Bond brought the last trading session of a tumultuous decade to a halt .
28 IN THE tunnel between Gloucester Road and Earls Court , the train-supposedly bound for Richmond-has come to a halt : 25 minutes pass , a hot , cross silence broken only by the coughs and tuts and groans and rattling Evening Standards of disgruntled passengers ( sorry , ‘ customers ’ ; London Underground now wishes to refer to the sad user of the subterranean network as a ‘ customer , ’ dictionary definition : n. one who buys ) .
29 A fine of $200,000 for violating customs laws brought her collecting to a halt in 1904 , but two years later the museum was open and Mrs Gardner was collecting again .
30 So Project 1992 will grind to a halt .
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