Example sentences of "question have been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Is it in the public interest that a public authority 's finances should be disrupted by wholly unexpected claims for repayment years after the money in question has been received ?
2 Those who act at the place of business must be doing so on the business of the company and not their own account ; the crucial question has been said to be , ‘ Does the agent in carrying out the foreign corporation 's business make a contract for the corporation , or does the agent in carrying out his own business , sell a contract for the foreign corporation ? ’ .
3 The context of these cases is very often that a question has been asked about the validity of a disposition left in unconfirmed codicils .
4 But since 1961 a question has been asked to list all educational qualifications , and the General Household Survey and the cohort studies now provide additional information .
5 Ehrlichman and Weinberger criticise the emphasis that has been placed on the first eye movements occurring after a question has been asked and the consequent ignoring of movements which occur prior to or during presentation of a particular item .
6 Somebody er to whom the erm er er matters could be referred er whom er could remove trustees er who are er not acting in er the best interests er of the fund erm to whom er I understand that the erm beneficiaries could er appeal if they felt that their fund was being erm used i in the wrong way which is something that we have n't got at the moment erm I mean just going very , very briefly back to the question that you asked erm about this how would you stop what 's happen happening is by having , we would have thought a pensioner trustee , because even the question has been asked how did it get through the union trustees and the answer is that most of them are employed , and they are looking over their shoulder because jobs are going and redundancies are being made .
7 Erm I mean just going very , very briefly back to the question that you asked erm about this how would you stop what 's happen happening is by having , we would have thought a pensioner trustee , because even the question has been asked how did it get through the union trustees , and the answer that most of them are employed and they are looking over their shoulder because jobs are going , redundancies are being made , you 've got a pensioner employee er a pensioner trustee on there , and they 're not looking over their shoulder for their job , they are going to do the job of a trustee and watch the fund and they would then be able to go to the regulator if they saw something that was amiss , but if somebody is employed by the firm might be very worried about doing because they 're more bothered about keeping their job .
8 Already this morning the question has been asked about providing elders .
9 This is true even if the question has been prescribed by someone else ( perhaps in an examination ) ; in such cases , you reformulate the question in your first paragraph to demonstrate that you have understood it and can develop arguments from it .
10 I I I was certainly with that question has been recorded and I I ca n't answer immediately but obviously you you what you 've said we 'll take that up with the management committee and come back to you straight away .
11 Interestingly , the place where this question has been raised most insistently has not been in the GATT or in Brussels , but in the American courts .
12 Section 34(2) provides for the application to be made by the authority or the child and the question has been raised whether the child , in that context , means the child himself if he is of sufficient age and understanding to make the application .
13 More recently , the question has been raised as to whether it is contrary to the public interest for a private company to be taken over by a foreign state-owned company , given the privatization objectives of the UK government .
14 More recently , the question has been raised analytically by Salinger ( 1988 ) .
15 The question has been raised whether these changes result in restoration of the duodenal mucosa and disappearance of gastric epithelium from the duodenal bulb .
16 The question has been raised over their qualifications and whether the Coastguard should have been informed of the expedition in advance , but it seems there was nothing exceptional in the fact that a school party was canoeing in the open sea .
17 The question has been raised , that 's right
18 One can not write of ‘ the real world ’ till such a question has been answered .
19 This question has been answered by describing the nature of God in a number of ways .
20 This question has been answered to some extent by a recent paper which showed a significantly higher mortality and morbidity among diabetics discharged solely to primary care in the community compared to those cared for by the hospital diabetic clinic ( Hayes & Harries , 1984 ) .
21 That question has been answered very fully by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland and by other Ministers , and there is nothing that I want to add .
22 That question has been answered three days running .
23 I think that that question has been answered , and I think the role of the estate has been answered in the report put by Mr .
24 There is , in most assessment activities , an assumption that once a question has been stated , then the problem perceived by the teacher becomes the pupil 's problem .
25 In an interview last week on the French radio station France Inter 's RadioCom program , Alcatel Alsthom NV president Pierre Suard indicated he did not rule out taking a stake in France Telecom if the latter is privatised by the next administration : ‘ I do n't think the question has been posed today , but when it is , I can tell you that we will study it very seriously , ’ Suard said — ‘ It is essential that France Telecom has a structure that enables it to extend itself beyond France and I think that can come from a new shareholder ; there is industrial logic in the ‘ world 's number one manufacturer of telecommunications equipment ’ owning a stake in a telecommunications operator , ’ he added — ‘ It is the Anglo-Saxon logic ; AT&T is constructed on that basis , but up to now , it has not been European logic , ’ he said .
26 Another approach to the competence question has been to ask clients , retrospectively , how satisfied they have been with the service they have had ( Rosenthal 1974 ) .
27 Valuable insight into this question has been gained in another project entitled ‘ Styles and strategies of information handling in the sixth form ’ .
28 This is particularly important if the authority in question has been doubted by judges or criticised by legal writers .
29 This question has been considered by Szekeres ( 1972 ) , who found that , for colliding gravitational waves with aligned linear polarization , a curvature singularity is inevitable .
30 As the problem which prompted the question has been resolved by the Inland Revenue , will my hon. Friend pass on to its staff the thanks of many Members of Parliament for dealing with issues that we have raised on behalf of our constituents and say that we hope that the problems will continue to decline as tax rates come down rather than go up ?
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