Example sentences of "home or [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 What is important is that ( a ) large numbers of people are involved ; ( b ) some of them are at a greater risk than the general population due to pre-existing cardiac or respiratory conditions and/or prolonged exposure in homes or at the workplace ; and ( c ) there is no ‘ safe ’ level of exposure to carcinogens .
2 The Brigades carry out ‘ acts of repudiation ’ which usually involve accosting known or suspected dissidents in their homes or in the street , chanting pro-government slogans and sometimes physically attacking them .
3 We sailed down the reaches of the Thames and , standing in the bows , I saw the river through the eyes of Marlow in Conrad 's Heart of Darkness , as a waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth crowded with memories of men and ships it had borne to the rest of home or to the battles of the sea " .
4 You may have this check-up done in your own home or at the practice premises .
5 Instead of working from home or at the DEA office , Coleman was given a desk at the Eurame Trading Company Ltd. , a DEA/CIA ‘ front ’ newly set up by the Cypriot Police Narcotics Squad in a luxury three-bedroomed penthouse apartment down the street from the US Embassy .
6 Ancient man had hundreds if not thousands of years to get used to each new metal ; the aesthetic qualities as well as the performance of individual metals in the home or on the battlefield became common knowledge .
7 ( Mar 21-Apr 20 ) The situation in the heavens is rather complex , if not explosive , at the moment and you really can not expect any favours to come your way either at home or on the work front .
8 As an adult , he ran a class in religious education for the young men of his neighbourhood , held in his home or on the open muir , as dictated by the weather or the presence of the Dragoons in the district .
9 in your home or within the boundaries of your home
10 I wonder if the , the director plans to talk about the cri criteria we will work towards with the independent erm living fund and I wonder if we could possibly accommodate something within the criteria because I think the number of people involved needing adaptation to their home over about five thousand is fairly small but for those people it will make the difference between them being able to remain in their own home or within the community care package , a vast sum of money being needed to be spent on them to accommodate them within residential accommodation .
11 Wherever that is so , it is the responsibility and duty of the management concerned to raise its prices , whether in the home or in the export market .
12 Things were n't going well for the American studios , either at home or in the UK , and they became increasingly desperate , hunting around for the winning formula some had lost and others never found .
13 People who are used to having responsible jobs at home or in the office and who are known to be good managers and organizers can not understand why suddenly the simplest task seems to be beyond them , and this makes them feel out of control and very unsafe .
14 At all times , parents approached for their support , whether at home or in the school environs , were placed under no pressure and were perfectly free to refuse .
15 Mountain View , California-based , Network Computing Devices Inc PC-X Division has come up with a $200 software package that lets a personal computer at home or in the field access applications on remote Unix- or VMS-based host computers .
16 There was more persistent questioning of the assumption that the market could indeed provide enough work for all who deserved and sought it , either at home or in the colonies , at wages which enabled the worker to provide adequately for himself and his family .
17 The students spend half the week in the practice , where they see patients at home or in the surgery .
18 When I was at home or in the village , it usually perched on my shoulder .
19 Prior to World War I , a majority of spinsters faced an often lonely and marginal life in their parents ' home or in the households of a male relative .
20 A much larger number helped at home or in the homes of neighbours and kin : ‘ At one school , where only twelve are returned as regular wage-earners , ‘ nearly all ’ are said to be employed …
21 Every week , someone dies as the result of an accident at home or in the garden .
22 Some years earlier , Ray Galton and Alan Simpson ( the writers for comic artist Tony Hancock ) and Goon comedian Spike Milligan had established Associated London Scripts ( A.L.S. ) , an institution described by June Barry as ‘ a hot bed of writers , many of whom had offices in the house which they rented out to use whenever they wanted to get away from home or from the studios . ’
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