Example sentences of "a prelude to " in BNC.

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1 The thirty-year rundown of the Great Central Railway terminus at Marylebone ( a prelude to seemingly inevitable total closure ) , was dramatically slammed into reverse gear on 30 April when BR admitted blossoming Chiltern Line services could not possibly be handled by Paddington , Euston , or even handed over to London Transport .
2 Hot on the heels of the 1991 sell-out , the 1992 edition of the Good Beer Guide goes on sale at the end of this month as a prelude to CAMRA 's 21st birthday year .
3 That ‘ strange ’ which would be a lazy gesture in another novelist is indeed strange to the reader , strange as the feline , supremely observed young man himself ; and yet he feels the very muscles and skin-surface of Raskolnikov 's smile — a prelude to the way in which the book 's entire action is simultaneously read about and lived through .
4 At the same time as building up the 15 per cent stake , GM would make a big cash injection into Jaguar — perhaps as much as £200m — to help the Coventry-based firm to fend off Ford , which has already announced it plans to take a 15 per cent holding as a prelude to a full takeover bid .
5 Erika had been to church before : with Omi , once on her own out of curiosity , and once with the F.G.Y. as a prelude to a discussion on Modern Superstitions .
6 Young men still came up to the colleges , but they reminded Lewis of his own position in 1917 , when his glimpse of Oxford life was just a prelude to the horrors of battle .
7 Some interpreted Pepsi 's decision as a prelude to a bid for Perrier 's soft drinks business , which analysts predicted might also attract offers from Coca-Cola , Suntory of Japan , or Guinness through its LVMH connection .
8 Although BSC says it is halting production for three weeks because of a sharp drop in demand , unions and all Scottish parties fear the unprecedented break could be a prelude to something much worse .
9 Mrs Thatcher was apparently informed of the French decision during the Strasbourg session on monetary union last weekend and it may well have encouraged her to believe that Britain 's European partners are now ready to take the difficult decisions which are a prelude to monetary union .
10 It helps that the song itself is sung as a prelude to the performance .
11 Could this be a prelude to a trade war even more destructive of world prosperity than a military war ?
12 Medical supplies are scarce , but as a prelude to this week 's talks PNG allowed some to come in from Australia .
13 If this is a prelude to the final struggle over reform — even to civil war — then what are the forces on each side ?
14 Fearing that any investigation into this anti-communist network might be a prelude to his own eviction from the presidential palace , Mr Cossiga has tried to fight off all attempts to question him about Gladio .
15 He 'd used the same technique sometimes as a prelude to complaining about his marriage .
16 Unfortunately , he soon realized , she saw her Pernod as a prelude to an evening somewhere else .
17 Perhaps your first bar is simply a prelude to many more ?
18 Dawn Run then won the Sandeman Hurdle at Liverpool and the Prix la Barka at Auteuil as a prelude to her victory in the Grande Course de Haies d'Auteuil , the French equivalent of the Champion Hurdle .
19 Copies of the leaflet , headlined ‘ Help Yourself Unlimited ’ , are believed to have been circulated in London shops as a prelude to what shopkeepers fear could be a campaign of organised theft .
20 ‘ You subjected her to the sight of yourself indecently exposing yourself by way of a prelude to what you later did , ’ added the judge .
21 The Ayr executive have announced plans for the Ayr Silver Cup , a consolation race over six furlongs , to be run as a prelude to the Ayr Gold Cup on the same card on Sept 19 .
22 The intention of the assailants is obviously to create an ‘ ethnically clean ’ Serbian corridor in eastern Bosnia as a prelude to partitioning the state .
23 The five CMHTs varied greatly in their precise method of operation and these variations were hotly debated among themselves at times , but they all engaged in service development and came to see the generation of personal treatment plans as a prelude to service development rather than as being constrained by the existing service stock .
24 The ill-fated advertisements were to form a preliminary campaign , costing £100,000 , as a prelude to a major campaign in the coming financial year .
25 Sukenick repeatedly draws attention to such underground processes , always as a prelude to comic dismissal : the dynamite is a dud , weapons fire blanks , and so on .
26 At one point he inserts the comment , ‘ you will want cause and effect ’ , as a prelude to a ludicrously far-fetched explanation of what has been happening to a character in one of the text 's interstices ( Pynchon 1975a : 663 ) .
27 Asking for a written statement is often a prelude to presenting an unfair dismissal claim .
28 The Great Tram Race on 12 April 1984 between Edinburgh 35 and Glasgow 1297 , which the Edinburgh car remarkably won , was a prelude to the Centenary celebrations .
29 The Coronation of 1911 , when only three cars were illuminated , was a prelude to Blackpool 's own royal occasion in 1912 when Princess Louise opened Princess Parade , round the Metropole .
30 All through the pages of Ramakrishna 's biography appears his gentle humour which often acted as a prelude to his flights of ecstasy .
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