Example sentences of "a closer [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A belief in Chinese superiority stemming from a closer approximation to the natural order of the cosmos governed China 's relations with neighbouring peoples , which over centuries had been conducted on a tributary basis .
2 Well , the national secretary 's national officers are of course accountable to the C E C , they are accountable to congress , the introduction of section conferences means that they have another , an additional level of accountability , which does n't replace the accountability to the C E C or to Congress , but supplements it and subjects them of course to a closer scrutiny and a closer contact with the major activists in a whole sector of employment .
3 The Working Party felt it was very necessary to have a closer contact with Society members than was possible at present and that this could be best achieved by being in direct communication with them .
4 Some people went to far as to disguise themselves as pillars in the community to tale a closer loot at the secrets of tile production .
5 This was already clear by 1926 , and could even have been in 1922 , if only the central authorities had kept a closer watch on the pulse of rural life .
6 They tend , however , to keep a closer watch on discharges which are potentially highly polluting or large in volume .
7 ‘ I shall write to director general John Birt to suggest he keeps a closer watch on how public money is being spent . ’
8 A closer interpretation is necessary in family work , with the counsellor focusing on the statement rather than passing it off or trying to pretend that it was not said , seeking to analyse and ascertain what exactly was being said , why is was said , and what the real message might be .
9 From now on , Robbie vowed , she would put a closer guard on her own feelings and emotions .
10 In a consideration of religious drama which clearly descends from the theorizing about anthropology and literature in ‘ The Beating of a Drum ’ , and from the 1923 conviction that ‘ the stage — not only in its remote origins , but always — is a ritual , ’ he writes in favour of a closer union between ritual and metropolitan drama , seeing an essentially religious craving as latent in all serious patrons of drama , as opposed to cinema audiences seeking mere distraction .
11 Many would also say that real life is only possible when one has accepted the finiteness of life on earth as something that God uses to draw people into a closer union with himself .
12 In the case of the EC , however , there is still resistance to a closer union , notably by Britain , in defence of what are conceived by governments at any particular time to be ‘ national interests ’ , and even if some form of supranational political organization were eventually achieved this might result , as some critics fear , in the emergence of another power bloc in the international arena , a ‘ Fortress Europe ’ , closed in particular to the Third World .
13 But at that stage he may have valued the intellectual stimulus that a closer intercourse with Jesuit astronomers seemed to promise .
14 It would inevitably lead to a closer relationship between the government of the Republic and the people of Ulster .
15 We have a closer relationship with North America , but , like Canada , we have no wish to rejoin our former American colonies as the fifty-first State of the Union , despite our common Anglo-Saxon heritage .
16 The high per capita costs of ensuring these services , and the provision of subsidies from central government may be easier to justify where there is a closer relationship between farming and other activities .
17 As Donald J. Olsen has written : ‘ With the possible exception of Canada , Britain has seen a closer relationship between railways and hotels than any other country . ’
18 Mr Cooper identifies as the major single benefit of EDI a closer relationship between supplier and customer , rather on the Japanese model .
19 What the Bank wanted was a closer relationship with banks ' auditors .
20 Various proposals were agreed for developing a closer relationship between auditors and the Bank , but the question of volunteering information to the Bank proved a difficult one .
21 Pirgos ware bears a closer relationship with late neolithic wares made on the Greek mainland and in the Cyclades than with any Cretan forerunners , and the style may have been imported ( Figure 32A ) .
22 1973 ) , has also resulted in a closer relationship between the disenfranchised and the solicitors .
23 They are morphologically wild , but the lipid fraction of the sorghum grains shows a closer relationship to domesticated than to wild varieties .
24 The majority of molecular studies support a closer relationship between chimpanzees and humans , with gorillas more distantly related ( see Box 1 ) , but some molecular studies support the alternative of closer relationship between chimpanzees and gorillas , with humans the sister group to the combined African apes .
25 Toby continued : ‘ As for this Harley business , we now know that there has been a closer relationship between Martinez and Jefferson over the years than the normal one of agent and manufacturer .
26 Although it does n't admit to doing anything more than ‘ looking at the technology ’ presently , indicators suggest ICL may develop a closer relationship with HyperSparc in future .
27 Although a closer relationship with the Silicon Graphics Inc/MIPS unit would seem the most plausible direction for CDC , it has shunned this route .
28 Although the UK company is presently just a European outlet for Pinnacle 's products , there are on-going talks between the two about formalising a closer relationship .
29 Just as Paris was to be linked to the sea via the Seine estuary after Philip 's conquest of Normandy , so the emergent capital of Capetian France was brought into a closer relationship to the wealth of the Low Countries through the absorption of Artois .
30 Henry III 's rapprochement with Louis IX between 1254 and 1259 had brought the two courts into a closer relationship , while the diplomatic and juridical presence at Paris which it necessitated thereafter strengthened English connections with northern France .
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