Example sentences of "a little walk " in BNC.

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1 Marion and her son had an agreeable high tea of poached eggs on toast , tea and cakes , went for a little walk along Old Compton Street and bought some gorgonzola and a pound of cherries before returning to the theatre for the evening show ; he was allowed to watch the first act from the wings before making his way back to Putney on his own .
2 ‘ We passed outside the city walls , and after a little walk , entered ; i green garden door , and made our way to a little plain square building , in which were arranged wooden benches , a pulpit and below the pulpit a plain wooden table and chair .
3 ‘ Will you take Donald for a little walk , Christine ? ’ her mother asked her when she came home from school one afternoon .
4 ‘ I 'll take a little walk before lunch .
5 So I came out of my room for a little walk along the gallery .
6 ‘ I think me and you had better have a little walk . ’
7 ‘ It takes itself for a little walk at night .
8 ‘ Coming back to Sara : she went to post a letter , took a little walk in the rain , heard nothing , saw nothing and said nothing about it because she felt silly — is that it , sir ? ’
9 I often have a little walk along the new plantation there .
10 ‘ Perhaps we should take a little walk , ’ he suggested mildly .
11 She took one stick and leaned on my arm for a little walk round the house .
12 It 's a little walk but it 's not that far is it ?
13 As I say , it looks a nice day if you were wrapped up you could later on , go a little walk .
14 I thought we 'd come for a little walk and
15 give him a little walk
16 Yeah , I said yeah I am , I said I 'm gon na drive up and see , so we got in , went up to Wendy 's , you could n't see through the door Pen , Penny and Kev said well we 'll drive round as well , I said well she 's had us up and down , cos one minute she was quite strong then the next she could n't cope , I said Wendy all I want you to ever know is that I 'm there , if ever you want me phone me , I do n't care whether it 's middle of the night , middle of the morning or whatever , so she says alright , anyway Penny went up , she said she could n't see anything she thinks she 's gone a bed and then me and Rudy went up , it must have been quarter to one cos I took him for a little walk and I got out the car and walked round the back and then , I could see her curtains were open and I could see a light on , so I went round the front and I shouted through the letter box , Wen it 's only me I 've come to wish you a happy new year , let's hope next year will be better than this one and she come to the door and she was broken hearted
17 I 'll have to go for a little walk .
18 Well it 's up to you cos I 'm quite happy to go have that little walk , I wanted a little walk .
19 We 'll wander round , I mean let's to know that we can sort of just have a little walk as it were .
20 Were they slippy when you walked have a little walk I liked them with laces .
21 We might , if i if it 's a nice day we might possibly have a little walk out somewhere or run out somewhere , or something
22 Yes , I know they just gave me a little walk on part .
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