Example sentences of "a little room " in BNC.

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1 Now , he wrote , it is in a little room in a nondescript Victorian terraced house in a side-street in South London .
2 Leonard also had a little room in the basement in which a piano was kept , where they spent much time together .
3 It 's more likely to throw everyone off course if it happens in a little room with a small audience .
4 When the clock struck , the preacher came down from a little room behind the platform , followed by ten or a dozen men who looked like prosperous City merchants .
5 Endill opened his eyes slowly and found he was standing in a little room made entirely of books .
6 You know he 's going into the country so I 'm to go too and I 'll live nearby in a little room or a shed , for I 'm going to put my life in order , I 'm crazed with living in London and in the pubs and getting drunk every day , no wonder I could n't write poetry , for I could n't think .
7 He keeps touching me and Harried up and once he took us both off into a little room to tell us off and stroked Harriet 's leg .
8 This could leave you a little room to argue , should the need ever arise , that reasonable notice in your case was a longer period , such as six or 12 months .
9 This could leave you a little room to argue , should the need ever arise , that reasonable notice in your case was a longer period , such as six or 12 months .
10 But Luke 's future was already being decided in a little room attached to the school-house on the outskirts of the village .
11 ‘ As Shakespeare has it : ‘ A great reckoning in a little room ’ . ’
12 I was allotted a little room in the domestic servant 's block .
13 There was no tea break but Mr John and a woman , who she thought might have been a chaperone , would go into a little room at the end , where she fancied they had a nip or two .
14 All the men on the camp were housed in brick built barrack blocks , and J. even had a little room to himself with a radiator .
15 All this time he was propelling me into a little room near the front door , and I was absolutely stiff with fright .
16 ‘ Made a little room , secret entrance .
17 Rumours swept the City yesterday that the Bundesbank may cut German interest rates — leaving Mr Major a little room in which to manoeuvre .
18 I stood up , took Flavia 's hand and led her into a little room .
19 The next afternoon , Captain Seru 's brother took Kiah and Rilla to a little room at the back of the prison .
20 So He made a tiny egg , so small that it could not even be seen , and a little room , on purpose for it to grow in , right inside the mother 's body .
21 Tony ate his meals in the kitchen and he slept in a little room at the top of the farmhouse .
22 WITHIN AN HOUR or so Bourne had equipped a little room off the dais as a private office for the chief superintendent .
23 Wycliffe had a little room where he kept his books and papers , his photographs and odds and ends he valued .
24 ‘ Infinite riches in a little room ? ’
25 Well , I found a little room for you — attic , I 'm afraid , hope you do n't mind- and I 've put everything up there .
26 If you have to cut a notch in a joist to run a pipe , cut it in the middle of the floorboard and leave a little room for expansion
27 Patrick was occupying a little room at the top of Prince 's Lodge with a dormer window set in the roof .
28 They were put into a little room , no more than a cubicle , where there were two kitchen-chairs and a table with a few magazines .
29 After an abortive attempt to force Shamil into the open in 1845 , Vorontsov combined a policy of gradually strangling the rebellious highlanders with an approach to civil administration which allowed natives a little room for manoeuvre .
30 It turns , and the door judders open upon a little room under the eaves , with windows that look out over rooftops and the open sky .
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