Example sentences of "and wherever [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some people travelled out of the city to outlying towns and villages in search of provisions , plundering the general stores of Kilsyth and Kilmaurs , Bargeddie , Stepps , Drymen and wherever available transport would take them .
2 Lord Mayor , I would be the last person to criticise either Councillors or offices who attempt to represent this district on foreign shores , whenever and wherever such trips are perfectly legitimate .
3 Engels saw the book as being what Marx would have written had he lived , and wherever possible he uses quotations from Marx 's notebooks .
4 Nonetheless , start out with a master plan and wherever possible , use it .
5 The selection of newly published books is linked to a single base source of information ( see Chapter 8 ) and wherever possible decisions are reached through a pooling of knowledge by staff .
6 At the local level there were to be branch juvenile exchanges and wherever possible branch care committees , and the duties of both corresponded to those of their London counterparts .
7 All interviewers should be carefully briefed on the schedule they are about to use , and wherever possible a ‘ guide to interviewers ’ should accompany , or be incorporated with , the schedule .
8 There were approximately 1,300 articles of equipment apart from bulk quantities of nails etc , carried in each train and all were itemised and listed and wherever possible each article was shadow painted .
9 While supporting the practitioners ' role as proxy for the patient in purchasing , there is a need to recognise the limitations of this , and wherever possible we should be seeking the opinion of the public .
10 Customers needing special assistance to make their journeys should enquire , and wherever possible make arrangements , in advance .
11 Consequently , great care has to be taken when interpreting marks seen on aerial photographs , and wherever possible the site should be visited on the ground to establish whether the marks have resulted from a buried archaeological site or from some other cause .
12 Although , therefore , the seizure was not intended to be permanent , conventual houses were largely unmolested , and wherever possible existing religious were allowed to farm the alien priories , the protraction of the war and the intention of the king to profit from this source as much as possible led to the permanent secularization of some monastic lands , and the extended management and farming of others by laymen as well as by royal clerks .
13 Government policy has been to close large mental hospitals and wherever possible to move to care in the community , with a resulting decrease in the number of psychiatric hospital beds .
14 a system in which managers at all levels have ( a ) a clear view of their objectives ; and means to assess and wherever possible measure outputs and performance in relation to those objectives ; ( b ) well-defined responsibility for making the best use of their resources , including a critical scrutiny of the output and value for money ; and ( c ) the information ( particularly about costs ) , the training and the access to expert advice which they need to exercise their responsibilities effectively .
15 The decline in membership , the economic recession , has damaged all the trade unions and has forced us all to examine all prejudices , to look above the sectional interests and wherever possible do all we can to protect our movement .
16 Training will be given and wherever possible the new representative will be thrown in at the deep end .
17 In Basrah , Baghdad and wherever Shiite communities were to be found , the streets were festooned with black banners lettered in white , announcing the name of a new ‘ martyr ’ and at which front he had fallen .
18 And wherever that comes from , it is surely a bad thing .
19 The system will ensure that candidates ' achievement is compared accurately against the level of achievement required for the award and is rewarded consistently , whenever and wherever that achievement has been demonstrated .
20 As we pottered around I mused ; is it not weird that we island-bred British , only recently the greatest maritime nation in the world , have barely a handful of water-borne aircraft , and wherever these few appear certain English observers of this seriously endangered species can not wait to render it extinct by outlawing it — or at least putting every conceivable obstacle , actual or procedural , in its way ?
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