Example sentences of "of attendance at " in BNC.

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1 There is something puzzling here , since Mrs Moore , though an unbeliever , had been happy to have her own daughter confirmed , and there is a steady succession of references in Jack 's letters and diaries , during the years 1919–1931 , of attendance at church with Minto .
2 No amount of attendance at classes or reading on the subject can substitute for the experience of making a verbal presentation as a manager in a situation where the outcome really matters .
3 Induction , management , computers , health and safety , were mentioned by this group as well as need for approval of attendance at courses : ‘ Micro-computing courses , attitude training ’ …
4 In addition to the ‘ four typical Sundays ’ measure , we recommend that churches keep a record of attendance at the most popular services on the major festivals of Easter and Christmas .
5 England 's only census of churchgoers was taken in 1851 and there was no systematic enumeration of religious practice in France until a survey of attendance at mass in one area in 1903 .
6 Many of these ill effects , however , are related to low socio-economic status , unemployment , poor housing and social environment , low educational achievements , lack of support and stable relationships , inexperience , isolation , depression and poor levels of attendance at antenatal and other clinics , rather than to age per se ( Wells , 1983 ) .
7 By and large , the more important a command ( importance being judged by the size of territorial authority , or , more appropriately in time of peace , by the numbers of men involved ) the more likely it was to be given to a man who had achieved it as a result of attendance at court .
8 However , exemption is granted in respect of particular subjects taken at University , and the requirement of attendance at the lecture course for the C.P.E. can be waived .
9 School education is a good indicator of social and economic class background , particularly as the relative cost of attendance at one of the independent ‘ public ’ schools has changed little , until very recently .
10 Section of attendance at IBOA Pensioners ' Biennial General Meeting
11 If you wish to make use of this valuable resource please contact Mr A R McElroy , Chief Librarian , Napier University , with proof of attendance at Napier .
12 Successful antenatal intervention largely depends on the proportion , frequency , and pattern of attendance at antenatal clinics , so there is need for strategies to overcome cultural , demographic , and socioeconomic barriers to early and continued attendance .
13 Speaking to the university 's general council , Sir David said that the information should go beyond the straightforward information on the regularity of attendance at debates and the quality of members ' speeches .
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