Example sentences of "his eye fixed " in BNC.

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31 But the Lad had his eyes fixed on Fergus .
32 His eyes fixed me sharply again .
33 Habib Olahi , a stocky man , still stood at attention , his eyes fixed on the rich carpet .
34 Ward leaned forward across the table , his eyes fixed on the man 's face , his tone aggressive as he said , ‘ The Triple A was based on the ESMA , the Navy Mechanics ’ School . ’
35 He passed the serviette to me , his eyes fixed on the man .
36 Matthew had his eyes fixed on the desk and did not look up .
37 His eyes fixed on hers .
38 Gus Hambro was sitting quite still , his brows drawn together in a tight and abstracted frown , and the focus of his eyes fixed far beyond the panelling of the dining-room .
39 Athelstan turned from the familiar , domestic sight and knelt before the altar , his eyes fixed on the red light .
40 He kept his eyes fixed on the upper storey , but there was no sign of life , nor could he detect any female voice crying through the shouts of the firemen .
41 Each touch of each finger seemed to burn through her sweat-shirt , and her insides gave the most awful lurch as he held her easily above the floor , his eyes fixed steadily on hers .
42 Hrun nodded , his eyes fixed on the latest picture .
43 Benjamin nodded , his eyes fixed on the ground .
44 Rohan shrugged , his eyes fixed watchfully on his uncle 's face .
45 Oliver was sitting quite still , his eyes fixed on her and his hands clasped round his knees .
46 Show respect , ’ said Garvey to Lucie , who was leaning against the corner strut of the stage with his eyes fixed on the far horizon .
47 He stopped again by the pavilion and , with his eyes fixed on Gabriel and a demented grin on his pock-marked face , rent the golden cloth from bottom to top .
48 The Chief kept his eyes fixed on it .
49 As his eyes fixed on her , Ronni hesitated for a moment , uncertain of how to combine honesty and diplomacy in her answer .
50 ‘ And then ? ’ he prompted , his eyes fixed intently on her face .
51 ‘ Hello , mate , ’ Jimmy said , his eyes fixed on Len 's face as if he was scared to look at the outline of the rest of his body , lying motionless beneath the sheets .
52 … and found a man watching her , his eyes fixed to her face with blatant sexuality .
53 He was staring straight ahead , his eyes fixed to the road .
54 Then , with his eyes fixed on hers , in the light that was shining through to the bed , he gently let the material of her only covering fall down to below her waist .
55 SEVE Ballesteros has his eyes fixed firmly on the Ryder Cup clash at The Belfry in September — and is determined to play more match-play golf .
56 ‘ One hundred and fifty guineas is being asked for the freehold , ’ stated the assistant , his eyes fixed on the bottom line of the schedule .
57 The Times reader walked off his eyes fixed in false concentration .
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