Example sentences of "they consist [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They consist of a rectangle of thin metal , bent twice to grip three sides of a matchbox , and a printed paper cover crimped in a protective film of transparent celluloid .
2 They consist of a cabinet or tunnel in which items are placed and where they are subjected to hot spray of detergent solution followed by rinse water .
3 To describe viruses in general terms is certainly simple enough : they consist of a piece of genetic material ( DNA or RNA ) encased within a protein coat .
4 In their simplest form , they consist of an ion-leachable glass that undergoes a setting reaction with aqueous solutions of polymers or copolymers of acrylic acid ( Fig. 4 ) .
5 Rather , they consist of statements about the nature of villages , country parishes and communities .
6 They consist of a clearly stated objective , which is feasible and practical , stated in terms of quantity when applicable and achievable in a definite time period .
7 They consist of twenty letters , two M's , two U's , two T's , two S's , two N's , two O's , two E's , two C's , two I's , two D's .
8 Tough non-metallic materials often contain interfaces or planes of weakness within the materials and many of them are heterogeneous , that is to say they consist of two or more constituents , such as fibre and resin .
9 They consist of :
10 The appearance of these shoals is striking for they consist of tadpoles of identical size .
11 They consist of two layers of paper with wood chips sandwiched between them , and are ideal for hiding minor wall irregularities .
12 If one considers hierarchical assemblies in general , their evolution from their constituents is far more likely if they consist of relatively stable sub-assemblies which themselves are evolutionary products of an earlier period .
13 Marxist critics argue that functionalist accounts of the state are vacuous because they consist of citing the consequences of particular actions as their causes ( Elster , 1986 ; also note 1 , p. 71 ) .
14 They consist of a copper core , which carries the signal , surrounded by a braided mesh of fine copper wire .
15 They consist of Cu-As-pyrite veins , with minor Bi , Co and Ni , of Lower Devonian age , and Pb-Zn veins of Lower Carboniferous age ( Stanley and Vaughan , 1982 ) .
16 They consist of highly mobile young people and families , commuters , and tourists , as well as disadvantaged groups such as refugees .
17 Like all taxes they consist of two elements : the tax base , or what is to be taxed ; and the tax rate , or the amount to be levied on the tax base .
18 In most insects they consist of two groups of muscles : ( 1 ) a pair of dorsoventral muscles by whose contraction the tergal region of the thorax is depressed , with the result that the wings are forced upwards owing to the peculiar nature of their articulation with the thorax ; ( 2 ) a pair of longitudinal muscles by whose contraction the tergal region becomes arched upwards which results in the wings being forced downwards .
19 They consist of DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid , the carrier of the " messages " which control hereditary aspects of ourselves and our structure — these are contained in numerous genes which form part of the chromosomes ) and protein .
20 There is also something grammatically unusual ( comparable to the opening of Bleak House ) in the occurrence of a series of parallel graphological sentences which are " defective " in that they consist of noun phrases alone : these are ( 10 ) , ( 11 ) and ( 12 ) , and the same construction is continued in ( 13 ) .
21 The most simple and primitive in contemporary use , these looms have changed little since their inception several millennia ago ; they consist of four wooden beams which are laid out flat and secured by pegs driven into the ground .
22 They consist of a series of slightly different palmettes and floral forms , and are found either in an allover format or in conjunction with a central medallion .
23 Soilless composts can also be put together at home , as in general they consist of 75 per cent granulated peat and 25 per cent fine sand ; the amount of plant food and chalk in the proprietary kinds varies from brand to brand , and you can add your own as required , though a good general mixture can be obtained by adding about 28 g ( 1 oz ) general fertilizer and 28 g ( 1 oz ) chalk to 1 bushel ⅛ gallons ( 36⅓ litres ) ( by bulk ) of compost , mixing all the ingredients thoroughly .
24 Tip or soft cuttings taken in early midsummer are the easiest to root ; they consist of the tip of new shoots which are still lengthening , and are 5–10 cm ( 2–4 in ) long .
25 They consist of a horse paddock and rough grassland , three point four hectares , point five one acres , and are bounded generally by trees , hedgerows and rear gardens of residential properties .
26 They consist of two things .
27 In general , they consist of exercise , relaxation , and discussion .
28 The University 's Alumni Office can provide help and advice to groups , whether they consist of a few friends who meet informally from time to time , a group from a particular department or year who wish to arrange a special reunion , or a more established society like the ones described on these pages .
29 They consist of ridges of shingle and sand projecting above high water level and generally lying a few kilometres offshore .
30 Transverse dunes seem to accompany areas of increased sand cover : basically they consist of wave-like forms normal to the dominant wind and are considerably smaller than the longitudinal dunes , normal dimensions quoted by Mabbutt being wave length 50–200 m ( 160–650 ft ) and height up to 10 m ( 33 ft ) .
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