Example sentences of "are scattered [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A jetpack that allows our hero to fly , and a pair of bionic legs that give Steg the power to leap tall buildings with a single bound and super-slug speed-ups are scattered around .
2 Included is the devastating Golden Gun , the pieces of which ( five in all ) are scattered around .
3 Small cafes and restaurants ring the quayside ; grocery and hardware shops are scattered around .
4 The basins are scattered over 20,000 square miles and fed by underground rivers which extend through Nevada , Utah and California .
5 Similar disasters are scattered piecemeal all over Britain , on bomb sites and over the slums they were built to clear .
6 Colony sites include massive quantities of highly phosphatic and nitrogenous guano , and are scattered also with feathers , food , egg membranes and the carcasses of unsuccessful chicks ( Figure 3.7 ) .
7 The analysis of such accidents is also bedevilled by the fact that they are scattered widely through residential areas , with few clusters or ‘ black-spots ’ in evidence .
8 ( The abacus beads are scattered randomly on the wires of the abacus . )
9 Families are like constellations of stars : we see each one as an entity , because they make some recognisable design , yet the individual stars are scattered all over the universe , apart .
10 The teaching faculties and administrative offices are scattered all over the city but , forming a wonderful backdrop to King 's Parade , stands the Senate House .
11 The first 20 live closest to the hospital that is to do the transplant , the next 20 are somewhat further afield and the remainder are scattered all over the country .
12 In more recent times , the present owners turned the old peasants ' houses , which are scattered all over the estate , into pleasant apartments .
13 Since their receptive fields are scattered all over the visual field the rabbit 's brain is kept well-informed about movements all around it .
14 The lifts are scattered about , and each one serves only selected floors .
15 The best site is about a mile and a half north-west of Coniston village in the upper valley of Church Beck , where there is a Youth Hostel , but many other disused sites are scattered about .
16 At the far end a number of tools , harnesses , tack and the like are scattered about — one harness still in good repair .
17 Empty black plastic sacks are scattered about , together with piles of crumpled brown paper .
18 Capture the feeling of the city from the network of canals which thread their way through the city , visit some of the hundreds of temples which are scattered everywhere , and do n't miss the bustling floating markets .
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