Example sentences of "important [noun sg] be that " in BNC.

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1 Another important change is that the time periods laid down for these notices do not commence until the end of the day in which notice is given .
2 Another fairly important change was that a review by a review board should be discontinued if it was established that the inspector 's report did not adversely affect the reputation of the person who applied for the review .
3 One obvious and important change was that the emphasis laid on the effect of infant and child mortality on fertility a decade ago in Bucharest shifted to the effect of fertility and childbearing patterns on infant and child mortality .
4 A particularly important decision was that in R. v. Thomson Holidays ( 1973 C.A. ) where the defendants had already been convicted of an offence under section 14 of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 by making false statements in a holiday brochure .
5 One important finding is that people differ in the number of repetitions needed to establish this kind of learning .
6 An important finding is that these changes are not stable ; expression of r4 markers continues in r2 but they are specifically downregulated in r1 and r3 .
7 The most important finding is that bFGF given parenterally or applied directly to the mucosa enhanced the healing of acetic acid induced gastric ulcerations and augmented the healing activity of sucralfate .
8 An important finding was that many relied on their own transport and went to stay with friends and relatives some distance away , rather than relying on the 19 official evacuation reception centres .
9 Our most important finding was that there was no statistically or clinically significant difference in the acceptability of serotonin reuptake inhibitors and tricyclic and related antidepressants in patients with major depression .
10 In such conditions , one important prediction is that the weakening of norm-enforcement mechanisms will bring about a reduction in the everyday functional value of the use of in-group linguistic variants .
11 The important result is that in an uncertain world companies like to maintain a stable payout ratio over the long run .
12 For our purposes , however , the most important result was that the Mortgage Act 1949 did not change fundamentally the Roman-Dutch law on parate execution .
13 Another important result was that the lower portion of the upper layer was not producing .
14 Its only important recommendation was that the vestiges of the competition should be preserved by employing the prizemen in favour of Pennethorne on the Foreign Office .
15 The important recommendation was that all non-seminoma patients should have abdominal ( 10 or 12.5 mm spacing ) and thoracic ( 20 mm spacing ) CTs at diagnosis and at fixed intervals during follow-up ; the thoracic CT was to be done with both lung and mediastinal window .
16 An important perception was that in villages with fewer than 500 inhabitants interest in adult education had to be generated within the whole community with the intention of creating a social movement , rather than in appeals to sectional interests in such small communities .
17 An important proposal was that the government should have an antitrust policy to curb monopoly power in business .
18 Carr : Well , there will be some new jobs , David , but the really important issue is that it will mean permanent jobs .
19 A highly important corollary is that people are not under the domination of wyrd , which is why ‘ fate ’ is not a good translation of it .
20 The real point at issue between the president and the big Democratic majority in congress was the size of the tax cut , but Ford showed weakness by revealing , at an early stage , a willingness to give ground on size while insisting that the most important requirement was that the legislature should act quickly .
21 The important conclusion is that all the cells in the body contain the same genetic information ; what makes the cells different is how that genetic information is used .
22 The important conclusion is that some of the cognitive capacities needed for language evolved long before humans .
23 Perhaps the most important point is that , regardless of who may be at the launch point , the pilot alone bears the responsibility for accepting or rejecting the launch in the light of the situation as he sees it from the cockpit .
24 The second and more important point is that the general argument against behaviouristic theories does take in functionalism and is not merely directed against traditional behaviourism : it works against any theory that analyses one 's conception of the world simply in terms of the way one functions — that is , behaves — in the world .
25 A more important point is that passages of this sort , spliced as they are with images like the lizard from the immediate foreground of Pound 's tent inside the wire-mesh cage of the prison camp , do not come into being out of the free associations of idle reverie , though in these Pisan cantos Pound exploits the illusion of that , as Joyce did in Ulysses when he pretended to transport himself and us into the mind of Leopold Bloom .
26 The important point is that if one ultradian peak is missed then the baby waits until the next peak .
27 Of course , this can only be verified by a complete inventory , but the important point is that the sampling methods used , and the way in which the results were extrapolated to apply to the whole collection , are based on a sound mathematical theory which is widely used and tested in other fields , and therefore carried sufficient weight to satisfy the Museum and its auditors .
28 Another important point is that the less time you have in which to do something , the more it costs because you start to run into things like overtime and special delivery payments , rush jobs and so on .
29 For our present purpose , however , the important point is that a hierarchical pattern is what we expect to see if the objects being classified have originated by a process of branching .
30 The important point is that , if energy is supplied , a homogeneous spatial field can become inhomogeneous .
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