Example sentences of "every [noun sg] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 There are skills of every kind to be learned , from changing a nappy to knowing whether or not to call the doctor , when to teach the facts of life , and how to develop the parent-child relationship during adolescence .
2 Particulars of every contract to be registered must be presented to LCH " by or on behalf of " the clearing member making the contract on the market or the clearing member with whom the market member has a clearing agreement ( reg 6 ) .
3 Heseltine , by contrast , seized every opportunity to be interviewed , as well as campaigning actively at Westminster .
4 She had had every opportunity to be , for heaven 's sake , but she 'd never worked hard enough at it and now she did not feel like struggling with a foreign language to search for an item when she did not even know what she was looking for .
5 A couple of days later Maureen whispered to him that she and Chris were going to meet as before and just take every opportunity to be together .
6 Their duties made it difficult for them to meet frequently but they seized every opportunity to be together and their love grew stronger every day .
7 I moved on slowly , watching on every side to be sure some monster-rat was n't creeping up on me .
8 You should , therefore , make every attempt to be in the first row , going fast as the gun goes and , ideally , with a space to leeward so that no-one is making you pinch .
9 A competition which requires every entry to be judged on its creative content , for example , would be impossible here .
10 They pledge every deal to be their last one .
11 On the other hand , were every indication to be that there was no chance of the letter ever being posted — for example if the person was a known thief and there was no post-box within a hundred miles — then in this case giving him or her the letter would be regarded as stupid .
12 It 's the duty of every athlete to be aware of what he or she is taking . ’
13 Every window to be wired up .
14 But amidst all this abundance , the nation is so disunited and rent by continual factions , that it seems at every moment to be threatened with the horrors of civil wars …
15 Where that was so and the workforce was invited , or itself proposed , to set up an industrial co-operative , but understood the preservation of every job to be the prime objective , the necessary conditions for effective management were absent from the start .
16 The combination of the trailing link undercarriage and low-set wing and the ground-effect air cushion it creates enables almost every landing to be turned into a ‘ CFi 's greaser ’ .
17 Fresh-killed meat from Deptford , nineteen wagon-loads of it , arrived every evening to be loaded into 800 special refrigerator vans waiting to receive it .
18 Music , Karajan argued , has every right to be played as accurately and beautifully as Possible .
19 ‘ He has every right to be proud of them , they 're bonny children . ’
20 You have every right to be angry .
21 When the mayor ordered the lobbyists standing round the side of the chamber to move into the public gallery , Cooper protested that they had every right to be there : ‘ They are not peasants to be roped in . ’
22 Agnes noted with alarm that a pink flush was suffusing Dorothy 's face , a sure sign of temper , and really , thought her loyal assistant , she had every right to be cross under the circumstances .
23 I had or believed I had a secondary , and had every right to be there .
24 After the war years and the terrible Winter they had all endured they had every right to be .
25 They have every right to be different — it 's very presumptuous of us to invent personalities for them simply because we 've seen them act on a cinema screen , but it can still be a shock when they 're not as you 'd hoped .
26 ‘ Adam has every right to be here , ’ Clare said pointedly .
27 I had every right to be if there was going to be this sort of hostility between the two of them all the way down into the ice .
28 Melissa was about to retort that Dora had every right to be concerned about her friend , but reminded herself that it was no business of hers and that in any case , Dora was quite capable of fighting her own battles .
29 She had to look as if she knew where she was going , move as if she had every right to be there ; one challenge could ruin it all .
30 Perhaps somewhere in the back of Edward Crumwallis 's brain there ran a murmur telling him that Dr Frome had every right to be .
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