Example sentences of "although it [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Two years later , after a command performance at Windsor Castle , he disbanded it , and although it was resuscitated at public request , and attracted stars like ( Sir ) Charles Santley [ q.v. ] , it finally expired in 1887 .
2 Khrushchev asserted in March 1960 that ’ the Soviet Union is now the world 's strongest military power' ( Izvestiia , 2 March 1960 ) and , although it was recognised that Soviet economic capacity was then inferior to that of the United States , it was confidently predicted that the socialist nations would have outstripped the West within a decade .
3 This , the Younger Committee , reported in 1972 and its report is still a classic ; it covered a wide range of activities and technological developments which might be intrusive , although it was precluded from considering the activities of government departments and other public sector organisations — a limitation about which it protested .
4 Although it was recovering after a revamp , only it and the Mail on Sunday , boosted by massive spending on advertising , were actually gaining readers .
5 It was a manifesto for change , and although it was given greater publicity by the Tories and the local press than by the Labour Party , it was with this manifesto that Labour increased its majority in Haringey .
6 The levels of IgA anti-myeloperoxidase did not differ from the control group in any of the disease states , whereas IgA anti-lactoferrin was significantly ( p<0.01 ) more common in Crohn 's disease , although it was seen only in a minority of the patient sera ( 6 of 51= 12% ) .
7 In the Far East , the Azahari revolt broke out in Brunei in December 1962 ; and , although it was crushed relatively easily by British and Gurkha troops stationed in Malaya , it led on to the Indonesian ‘ Confrontation ’ , which began in a small way in April 1963 .
8 N.G. Attenborough and his crew were killed , although it was believed that they had flown into a balloon barrage .
9 In response , China had passed copyright and computer software protection legislation , although it was criticized as " inadequate " by the USA in trade talks in Beijing on June 11-15 .
10 Although it was developed on an IBM mainframe , the same business requirements have been taken and the package is available on IBM 's AS/400 , on Unix and on ICL mainframes .
11 Although it was developed as a waterproofer for floors and walls , Ruberoid Synthaprufe can also be used for damp-proofing , basement tanking , damp-protecting reinforced concrete beams , and roof maintenance .
12 The office of Earl Marshal was to all intents and purposes the heritable property of the Howard family , although it was lost to them for several decades after the attainder of the fourth Duke of Norfolk in 1572 .
13 Although it was recorded that ‘ he could read a balance sheet ’ ( not in fact a particularly useful attribute for the Treasury ) , there is no evidence that he left any imprint upon Exchequer policy .
14 The widespread influence of Ribble , Bowlby and Spitz , although it was supported by new , more permissive baby books such as Benjamin Spock 's Baby and Child Care ( 1946 ) , can not be entirely explained in terms of parents ' reaction against the rigours of aseptic mothercraft .
15 The party 's most important electoral commitment was the creation of 800,000 jobs over four years , and although it was to fall lamentably short of the aim , the reduction of unemployment remained an important point of reference for the party in power and for its political allies ( see , e.g. , PSOE 1983 : 43–4 ) .
16 Although it was neglected , you could see signs of the initial planning , such as a rock garden which was completely overgrown . ’
17 The fare for most of those years until 1939 was 6d ( 2½p ) , although it was increased to 9d when the tour was extended to Clifton Drive in 1932 .
18 As she drew near the fence she saw that the poor struggling captive was little more than a baby in size , although it was covered with its first soft coat of wool .
19 Before it left Scampton it was inspected to gauge the material and manpower needed to re-finish the aircraft , and while it was at Bicester a team from St Athan completely stripped the Lancaster , although it was decided not to apply its new paint scheme until it was finally in situ at the RAF Museum , to avoid damaging the paintwork on its journey to Hendon .
20 Although it was decided after all to allow the continuation of school foundations , in many cases the continuity had already been lost ; and by 1550 , when the Court of Augmentations began to fund such foundations , the theory of English educational endowment had entered a new era .
21 In bringing it up to date and making it profitable , he had to tread warily , for although it was made up of land and property , it was essentially about people .
22 I have just bought a SWB Petrol III although it was made in 1977 I do n't think its had a very hard life , it has only 45,000 miles on the clock and going by its condition I think that 's about right .
23 Although it was made clear that their incentives would simply extend to exemption from basic customs control ( unless or until their products entered European Community territory ) and that there would be no other special assistance , the government received 45 applications for designation .
24 And this is of course , as if I agree with the view that you expressed yesterday in a general context , although it was made specifically then in relation to one village , any recommendation I make in relation to that village , if it is based on the general principle , must apply by analogy also to Skelton , and I would have little choice but to recommend to the councils that they may wish or indeed they should , reconsider this question of washing-over or insetting elsewhere .
25 Councillors were known to have had reservations about an earlier plan which included a staff flat on a second storey because , although it was felt this was desirable from a security point of view , it contravened various planning guidelines .
26 Indeed , this issue was addressed in an earlier study ( Tomkins , 1973 , pp. 115–21 ) , where it was illustrated how it was possible to devise an investment-appraisal rule ( just like that above ) consistent with NPV but based on residual income even when the project cash flows were uneven through time — although it was felt that NPV was more straightforward .
27 We discussed the difficulties of transforming the concept of sustainability into practical policies , although it was felt the increasing emphasis on plan-led planning , urban containment and the reuse of urban and derelict land , would help .
28 This was regarded as being outside the remit of this survey although it was noted that an intentional consequence of any effective training programme should be to diffuse ideas and attitudes throughout the working environment , not least of all to counteract erroneous ideas or unwelcome attitudes .
29 Training officers who noted that they were able to spend their full time on training were very rare , although it was noted in Chapter 4 that a training officer or more ‘ training officer time ’ was the most commonly wanted further ‘ resource ’ to expand or develop existing training programmes .
30 Don McCullin also found moving on difficult , although it was breaking with war , rather than Vietnam , that was his main problem .
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