Example sentences of "few [noun pl] [prep] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 On the telephone , I was greeted with a very friendly and hearty ‘ Well … well … well ! ’ and we chatted for a few minutes as if there had been no break in our contact .
2 The Down 's Syndrome Association desperately need volunteers to give up a few hours before or after work on Thursday June 24 to help them collect donations at mainline stations .
3 Newcomers to night fishing are always surprised to find how cold it is at night , especially those few hours before and after dawn .
4 For a fraction the ball wavered in flight , Davies running a few paces as if in pursuit to help the ball on its way .
5 She waited thus for what she judged to be half an hour , moving a few steps to and fro to keep warm whenever the coast was clear .
6 The more common response was a temporary lull in the onslaught of behavioural difficulties for a few months before and after adoption .
7 Just a few paragraphs in and we are plunged into the fog and grime of the capital : in 1817 the American Ambassador was enveloped in a midday fog in Bond Street so thick that he felt tempted to ask how the English became so great with so little daylight .
8 I know the opposition is n't up to much but lets hope he bangs a few goals in and gives Sgt Wilko something to think about .
9 A few years before and not far away , the abbey of Quarr , on the Isle of Wight , had been licensed to crenellate its buildings .
10 There were few pedestrians about and the dimly lit pavement afforded him the cover he needed .
11 Although most country parks are monitored by crude counts of visitors , there have been few studies of whether they have achieved the aims set out above .
12 Most of my friends will buy this album and we usually waste a lot of time discussing the merits of whatever record we have recently bought , so we may well have a few arguments on whether to eat meat or not .
13 A few yards on and she saw there was no answering wave and she faltered , uncertain if this was Ferdinando or some other lone horseman before whom she would make a fool of herself , but the closer he came the more sure she was that this was her husband and then she chided herself for thinking he had hands free to wave when one was needed for the reins and the other to hold the child .
14 Do you have any recollections of any particular disputes and maybe an answer that you could possibly sort of , make a few comments on whether you felt the the procedures were worked out so finely that they in fact prevented disputes because they were so long and drawn out perhaps or er it took the fire out of disputes if you like ?
15 Somebody had planted a few saplings as if to justify the name , but they looked extremely sorry themselves , sadder even than the Fir Tree in Hans Christian Andersen 's story and about to meet a similar fate .
16 He crossed to his drinks cabinet and poured himself another large measure of whisky , glancing at the phone every few seconds as if willing it to ring .
17 The knife sprang into the air , arced up a few inches as if powered by a small spring .
18 the few indispensables for when in need —
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