Example sentences of "few [noun pl] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The first few times the carabiniere on duty became impatient and tried to make him come out , but the only answer he got was that the prisoner was feeling extremely unwell and wanted please to be left alone .
2 I feel that this is a difficult poem to understand but when it has been read a few times the meaning becomes clear .
3 In rural areas where there are few cinemas the video centres are especially popular .
4 Merseyside quiet with small codling , whiting and a few dabs the mainstay .
5 Indeed , a crucial part of the new contract between the state and single parents will be for the state to continue paying the mother ( and in a few cases the father ) the maintenance payments for as long as that person is responsible for a child .
6 In a few cases the disease undergoes a recurrent phase when the manifestations of secondary syphilis are seen again .
7 In a few cases the loan may be repaid in one lump sum at the end of its term .
8 As suggested above , one of the central planks in Lord Devlin 's argument that the law does not simply exist to protect the individual , but also to protect society , was the fact that in all but a few cases the victim may not consent to the commission of an offence against themselves .
9 This may take the form of requirements for reports , returns and information or the holding of enquiries , or in a few cases the issuing of directions , e.g. by the Secretary of State for Education to a local education authority .
10 After a few minutes the water will change colour .
11 Led by Lt Fusata Iida they flew in at a height of 50ft and within a few minutes the airfield was a smoking mess .
12 In those few minutes the colour had drained out of them and they had wilted in the glass like faded tissue paper .
13 But just a few minutes the vicar arrived , and despite the Church 's apology insisted the crosses would have to go .
14 For a few minutes the prisoner enjoyed the game , but then she suddenly felt wet and sat up .
15 And after just a few minutes the cold was starting to get through .
16 After the first few minutes the child is not going to learn any more from the experience and will either fall asleep , start to play , or get up to mischief in the room .
17 Within a few minutes the basket was more than half full of food , and Mary was pouring the soup into the thermos .
18 After a few minutes the noise began to subside .
19 For a few minutes the sun glimmered through the mist to my right , a red ball just risen above the mountain .
20 Unless the heart starts beating again within a few minutes the person will die , and in fifty per cent of all fatal heart attacks the victim dies within thirty minutes .
21 My Lords in a few minutes the House will have to vote on this issue .
22 It was after eight-thirty and in a few minutes the family would sit down to eat while she stood at the end of the table , still working .
23 Every few minutes the cock tests the temperature of the mound : if it falls below 33 degrees Celsius he adds more compost , while if it rises above 33 degrees he makes a vent in the mound to cool the eggs .
24 Within a few minutes the atmosphere in the bay was normal , and Ace was jetting towards the shuttle 's cabin door .
25 Within a few minutes the picture was effervescing as part of it had been painted on gesso .
26 Within the next few hours the water would rise , and his body would turn to ice as he was submerged , inch by inch , in the merciless waters of the Thames .
27 The embankments which he had vainly tried to have reinforced by the zemindars would now be brimming and beginning to overflow … within a few hours the country around the embankments would be flooded and ignorance , stupidity and superstition would have triumphed once more as they have triumphed again and again in human affairs since time began !
28 But within a few hours the mood changed and what Docherty now describes as ‘ unforeseen forces ’ began to operate .
29 This was the rime when everyone had a siesta and for a few hours the village was virtually dead .
30 After a few hours the speed of change slowed .
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