Example sentences of "state [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even where State protection of individuals is supposedly guaranteed by treaty , the prime motivation has been the furtherance of international order through the preservation of international peace and security rather than a direct intention to provide international legal protection for individuals .
2 The English Association should also be mentioned here since it showed a considerable overlap of personnel and policies with many of these other initiatives ( formal and informal ) , having particularly close affinities with the National Home Reading Union , the Dictionary of National Biography , and the National Trust , and occupying an interesting position of relative autonomy from the state Board of Education .
3 This book developed from a course of graduate lectures in Advanced organic synthetic methods given at the State University of New York at Binghampton .
4 Michael Constantinou of the National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research at the State University of New York ( SUNY ) at Buffalo champions this approach .
5 Another approach , designed by the earthquake engineering centre at the State University of New York at Buffalo and Takenaka Corporation of Japan , comes even closer to Booth 's analogy .
6 One notes S. A. Waksman ( 1888–1973 ) , who worked at the Agricultural Experimental Station of the State University of New Jersey .
7 in biochemistry at the University of California and spent his working life at the Agriculture Experimental Station of the State University of New Jersey , where he gave strength to the science of soil microbiology .
8 For instance , two researchers from the State University of New York at Plattsburgh , Roy Malpass and P. G. Devine , have recently described non-hypnotic ‘ guided memory ’ procedures which helped people to identify faces in experiments .
9 They were also not curling their toes under as has been suggested by jack Stem and Randall Susman from the State University of New York at Stony Brook .
10 Arguing for Lucy 's dependence on arboreality were Stern and Susman from State University of New York at Stony Brook whose recent paper in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology ( vol 60 , p 279 ) was summarised in New Scientist ( 20 January , p 172 ) .
11 Spotila , of the State University of New York , reminds us that a white ectothermic dinosaur with a diameter of one metre in a subtropical habitat would have a body temperature ranging from 30.4 to 30.7°C , whereas a black dinosaur 's temperature would rise as high as 38.4°C .
12 Working with scientists at Cornell University and at the State University of New York in Buffalo , Dr Ziolo and his team grow their nanocrystals by adding iron salts to a polystyrene ion-exchange resin — the sort used in household water-softeners .
13 Lorne Golub at the State University of New York at Stony Brook and his colleagues have found that low doses of doxycycline seem to have a direct effect on collagenase , at least in the laboratory .
14 Professor Gerry Brown , Professor of Theoretical Physics at the State University of New York , and former Professor at this University .
15 Philip G Altbach is professor and director of the Comparative Education Center , State University of New York at Buffalo .
16 The world system theorists , who publish regularly in Review , the journal of the Braudel Center at the State University of New York at Binghamton , of which Wallerstein is the intellectual inspiration , have developed a systematic and far-reaching analysis based on a dynamically changing division of labour between the core , peripheral and semi-peripheral countries within the orbit of the capitalist world system .
17 Jan Reedijk and co-workers at the state University of Leiden in the Netherlands found that cis- DDP could bond to two guanine bases in a small chain of single stranded DNA despite an intervening cyosine base ( Journal of the American Chemical Society , vol 104 , p 2664 ) .
18 The project which started in 1970 in one experimental school , and in 1973 extended to classes in ten more , is administered from the University of Ife with the co-operation from the state Ministry of Education and with financial assistance from the Ford Foundation .
19 In 1970 , the State Ministry of Education wisely recommended a reintroduction of Hausa medium in lower classes , but this proved far easier said than done .
20 The second question is , of course , a more specific version of the first if we consider local government within the broader context of public administration and attitudes to the state provision of goods and services .
21 One arises out of the need for state provision of education to be efficient and economical , which means that policy considerations might outweigh individual parental preference .
22 Benefits in kind refer to the State provision of education , health care , travel subsidy , housing subsidy and other allocated benefits .
23 The alternative would be for the government to finance the state provision of broadcasting through general taxation .
24 There is a compelling public interest in state provision of primary and secondary education : everybody gains if all children receive schooling of a quality that parents may be unwilling or unable to pay for .
25 The choice , according to such critics , has been either to increase taxes to cover the public spending for the services — which was contrary to the government 's tax-cutting policies — or to reduce the scale of state provision of welfare .
26 The famous 1982 CPRS paper examined the options with a low future rate of economic growth and made radical proposals for cutting the state provision of welfare .
27 There is also wide support for the mixed economy — a private enterprise economy , subject to government controls — as well as for state provision of welfare services .
28 While the key features of each — the limited liability company , the use of collective bargaining and the state provision of welfare — all have something of a Christian basis in terms of providing outlets for savings , strengthening the family , and correcting injustice and providing for those in need , nevertheless it is easy to see how they can become taken over by humanistic philosophy — so that they become unlimited freedom to create wealth , the use of collective power and the denial of individual merit and the state as the alternative for the family and private charity .
29 The religious/municipal dichotomy , coupled with a lack of direct state provision of health services , probably accounts for the lack of a widespread deinstitutionalizing or care transfer movement .
30 Since state provision of retirement pensions is included on the expenditure side under transfer payments , the pension contributions under the National Insurance Scheme must be included on the revenue side .
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