Example sentences of "turn from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Substitute had turned from the window and was watching the Captain curiously .
2 He had just turned from the window , intent on leaving , when the woman walked back into the room .
3 The other person is turned from the door , and either has no legal advice at all or is forced to go to another lawyer .
4 People travelled from remote lands just to be a part of it , for no one was ever turned from the door .
5 Bernice 's spinning head finally turned from the stone .
6 She strained the black velvet across her distinguished breasts , then turned from the looking-glass , " Nip out all this lace and fuzz and , Bob 's your uncle , what do you get ?
7 She had finished all the bread and butter and scraped the dish of blackberry jam before Mrs Gotobed turned from the fire and spoke again , very slowly and clearly .
8 Li Yuan turned from the cabinet , carrying a tray of drinks .
9 Despite the importance of the positive aspects in Roosevelt 's relationship with Churchill , he regarded the latter as a political anachronism once thoughts turned from the defeat of the Axis to the world of the future .
10 Doyle turned from the door and walked towards the exit .
11 Panting breathlessly , she turned from the door and moved through to the hall , where Donna was trying to make her way down the stairs .
12 Emily Ascher turned from the door , then caught her breath , the pay-lock key falling from her hand , clattering across the bare ice floor .
13 He turned from the darkness .
14 ‘ Well , — the nurse turned from the bed — ‘ he 's got a cut in his head that I would n't like . ’
15 Lizzie turned from the bed , and the action provoked Mrs Funnell to say to Peggy , ‘ Your mother 's in that kind of a mood , is n't she , Peggy ?
16 Frank turned from the bed and , taking the mug from her hand , now addressed his wife .
17 As Hazel turned from the hole , the clouds in the west broke slightly and there was a sudden dazzle of watery , pale-gold light .
18 As dawn broke over the South Korean capital of Seoul , the sky turned from the black of night to the light azure of early morning , promising another hot day .
19 This occurs when the part of the Moon turned from the Sun is dimly illuminated by light reflected from the Earth .
20 Shepherd turned from the wall cabinet , holding the decanter up .
21 Cautiously she turned from the wall .
22 Nicola turned from the bar , eyelashes fluttering , lips pouting .
23 He collected their drinks and turned from the bar where he had been at the centre of a laughing group of men who frequently glanced at her curiously .
24 Come as soon as surgery closes ’ , and when she turned from the telephone she smiled .
25 It turned from the storm and from those inside the office block ; its need focusing on the ruined corpse that lay on the pavement next to it .
26 As I turned from the phone I realized the stairs were blocked by Lisabeth , hands on hips , outside her flat door .
27 Discussion turned from the question of principle to questions of practice : how change was to be effected and what post-emancipation society was to look like .
28 He turned from the rail and she anticipated one of the usual compliments visitors paid her garden but instead he asked about Ruby Dobby .
29 Llewelyn turned from the harness that was being checked out of the armoury , and looked at his foster-son for a moment from so far away and by so dazzling a light that he seemed hardly to know him .
30 She turned from the window , back into the room that still smelled faintly of Isabel Lavender 's black coat and black feathered hat .
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