Example sentences of "turn and look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The brothers turned and looked at Joe and presently Martin said on a laugh , ‘ That 's what he 's going to be , Harry , a romantic novelist .
2 Molassi turned and looked at him .
3 The three men turned and looked at me .
4 Li Yuan turned and looked at them .
5 Then Mr Utterson at last turned and looked at his companion , whose face was as pale as his own .
6 Amiss turned and looked at him .
7 The two men turned and looked at her .
8 She felt puzzled and once again turned and looked at him .
9 She held out her arms as both men turned and looked at her .
10 Many times during this pocket lecture she could have turned and looked at her instructor , and put him clean out of countenance merely by looking ; but she had not done it because she was so sure that he was the young man from the entrance booth , a licensed enthusiast , and entitled to his brief moments of emotional escape .
11 Howard turns and looks at him sharply .
12 ‘ Well ’ — he turned and looked towards the window — ‘ I noticed as I passed that you had a box of Havana cigars , the … the Excepcionales .
13 She turned and looked towards Nigger , who was standing in the doorway talking to one of the locals he knew .
14 Aggie turned and looked towards the window and she repeated , ‘ Garden ?
15 She turned and looked towards the house door .
16 She turned and looked towards the child , who was sitting hugging a doll .
17 Almost as if leading a child , they took the woman from the room , and the Mother Superior , herself on the point of leaving , turned and looked towards where Millie was still standing riveted to the spot .
18 He turned and looked at the display of cakes on the long table .
19 She turned and looked at me .
20 She turned and looked at him , and her face lit up joyously , and George looked at Ian and tried to keep his own face expressionless .
21 Brian Everthorpe and Shirley turned and looked at him .
22 She paused a moment , turned and looked at the line of narrow drawers , read the label , then weighed out two ounces of loose tobacco .
23 The woman turned and looked at the speaker , and there was scorn in her expression , but she said nothing until she turned on Agnes again and said , ‘ How bad is he , lass ? ’
24 He turned and looked at his guard who was waiting tamely behind him and keeping an occasional look-out along the wire .
25 They all turned and looked at me again .
26 I turned and looked at him .
27 I turned and looked at him .
28 Then Mrs F gave a cup of tea to Vern , and somehow we all turned and looked at him .
29 She turned and looked at him , then sat up with a gasp of dismay .
30 And they all turned and looked at me compassionately .
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