Example sentences of "without [v-ing] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There are various ways of mapping a plane on to a sphere ( or vice versa ) but there is no way of doing this without producing some kind of distortion or another ; Mercator 's projection of the globe on to a flat map , leads to a diminutive Africa and an exaggerated Greenland .
2 Your mind became numbed to everything about human beings except that they pressed close around you all the time , that they slept above or below you , that you could never turn your head without seeing some evidence of their closeness — their clothes or their books or their photographs — that they made it impossible for you ever to be alone .
3 Becker hints at the inside model when he concludes , not without generating some confusion , that ‘ whether a given act is deviant or not depends in part on the nature of the act ( that is , whether or not it violates some rule ) and in part on what other people do about it ’ .
4 Since you can not pronounce any utterance without using some kind of tune and rhythm , you will undoubtedly use your own familiar patterns unless you consciously focus on these features in the new language from the beginning of your language study .
5 Few of us will go through life without transgressing some rule of public law , the result of which will be the imposition of a financial penalty or perhaps , in more severe cases , deprivation of liberty .
6 The operations of this central process can not be conveyed to another without employing some convention which allows a communicational interchange , whether it be by gesture , facial expression , or language .
7 It seemed to Brian that during each day his wife was never long without swallowing some pill or other which , when she was at home , either he or Edna took responsibility for administering .
8 He 's only insured for eighteen thousand anyway so I said well to be perfectly honest Jim , I said I would n't of thought that the insurance company 's gon na pay out eighteen thousand quid without getting some sort insurance investigator down there to sort it out .
9 Even a skilled fighter would be unlikely to beat off an armed attacker without suffering some sort of injury .
10 A business can not plan without making forecasts , and it can not make forecasts without having some kind of plan to act as a framework for forecasters to use .
11 SECTION MAIN POINTS 1 & 1.1 Role and A business can not plan without making purpose of forecasting forecasts , and can not forecast without having some kind of plan to act as a framework .
12 And I felt I could n't design rational experiments without having some type of criteria to judge the results against ; otherwise I would n't be able to see where I was going .
13 You do n't get from where he came to where he is now without having some degree of substance .
14 To start from myself , I can not choose between reactions without having some control over them ; to choose not to be burned I must at least have the power to withdraw my finger from the flame .
15 Without reading some history it is impossible to have any true conception of the life at court .
16 The Homunculi will attack the adventurers if they try to reach the oracle without showing some form of invitation .
17 Inasmuch as the appellant is not able to establish the necessary twelve years adverse possession , a decision on this question is strictly obiter , but as the judge has dealt with the point and counsel have argued it before us I will not conclude without making some reference to it .
18 Certainly duty can pull against one 's strongest inclination ; but could one recognize the force of a moral imperative without feeling some inclination however slight towards the course which it commands ?
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