Example sentences of "always [vb pp] by the " in BNC.

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1 Advertising and public relations can try to improve or change the image of a client but this is always limited by the nature of how the reputation was built and earned in the first place and how the client will really act in the future .
2 I was always fascinated by the effect of the sustain pedal — you know , the way you can run one note into another , something like a harp sound .
3 I am always fascinated by the little test I frequently do with my girls , I go through MKM and Modern Knitting and ask them to give marks , out of ten , for all the garments .
4 But the patients are always fascinated by the colours .
5 I knew many of the manufacturers from my brief career on the amateur circuit , and was always fascinated by the gimmicks that appeared without fail every year .
6 Any transgression or hidden resistance in films by women directors is , it is argued , in the end always contained by the characteristic movement of narrative closure in Hollywood films made during the studio period , in which women tend to lose out or are victimised .
7 I was always attracted by the lifestyle of a nun , particularly that of a contemplative .
8 He did not say much when they met and it was always muffled by the lapels of his coat .
9 Major capital expenditures are always considered by the Board .
10 Pulmonarias make an impressive foundation , not only are their early flowers a welcome sight , but the foliage that follows can be outstanding — although those with the most attractive flowers are not always succeeded by the best leaves .
11 This could have come about by virtue of the fact that at every stage of evolution the original life force ( whatever it may have been and relegated in this book to the pre-life period ) was always carried by the species at the head of the chain , and this was the species which would ultimately become the human race .
12 Here , individuals stood out in sharp focus and Jane 's walks were always enlivened by the indomitable characters she saw and the wry humour of the remarks she overheard .
13 John Morton lived out his life in Darvel , always respected by the people of the Irvine Valley .
14 In the police this desire for a clearly defined world of order derives from an implicit understanding that control of social behaviour is always surrounded by the dirt of structural ambivalence .
15 They are always dominated by the strong .
16 While the increasing concentration and internationalisation of capital is not in question , there is , however , serious debate over whether the state is always dominated by the ruling class and whether it is always repressive .
17 Outside the TUC , individual trade unions have their own education programmes which are not always hampered by the same constraints .
18 ‘ Sean is always seen by the public as the real James Bond , ’ said a studio executive .
19 Concerned and caring , and always moved by the underdog , you willingly devote time to the halt and the lame .
20 We stood for some time watching the ‘ Try your strength ’ machine which was always sited by The Fawcett Statue on Blue Boar Row .
21 ( e ) Leasehold property When your client is buying a leasehold property in a case where the lessor 's licence to assign is required , the licence ( which is always prepared by the lessor 's solicitor , who should submit the draft to you for your approval ) may require your client 's execution of a counterpart of the licence .
22 The decision as to whether or not to proceed is always made by the originator , thus allowing for his or her growth .
23 were they always made by the local blacksmiths , or did somebody sometimes construct one , as you said at Out of wood or other material ?
24 Those accusations are always made by the same people who have all but destroyed public support for the local authority concept because of their blindness to the requirements of good financial management within local authorities .
25 As stated above production has almost halved since 1979 and at the same time the price of its premium Bonny light crude has fallen from $40 per barrel to $28.65 and is always threatened by the North Sea producers .
26 Counts were always performed by the same two independent observers .
27 Un-expected frequency changes are always offered by the last controller in the UK , alleviating a panic reference to paperwork .
28 The fact that community nurses all over the country are tearing around between 7.30 and 9.30 in the morning giving one dose of insulin after another is almost always dictated by the needs of each client to receive insulin at that time of day .
29 A Hair is always affected by the chemical changes taking place within our body , which can account for the fact that perms will sometimes be successful and sometimes not .
30 It is this which makes a patterned woven carpet something special , a point not always understood by the customer .
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