Example sentences of "always [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 It was always intended that the more usual of the two would be what Volvo term ‘ straight-line assembly ’ , where work in one team area is divided among four or five stations , placed one after the other in the direction of production flow .
2 First , the sculptor always intended that the piece should be fitted to the space once it arrived on site .
3 Hardy always stressed that the publication of his first collection of poems in 1898 marked a return to his original love , poetry .
4 However , once you hand over your work to the framer , you can not always guarantee that the design will not have moved slightly , so on the whole it is probably best to use a cold-seal film at home , unless the item is extremely important and you want to achieve as professional a finish as possible .
5 Similarly , whilst the defendant will almost always know that the victim is a woman , circumstances could be imagined in which a man charged with attempted rape in fact intended to have sexual relations with a man .
6 Well actually I always think , Win always say that the W I runs itself because everyone gets on with things and they do n't need to be told and , and when it actually comes to it no nobody wants to become president or officer . .
7 The SD at Stuttgart recorded a comment , said to be frequently encountered in differing variants : ‘ It 's always claimed that the Führer has been sent to us from God .
8 Coleman always claimed that the examination conducted by the medical committee was not a farce , but that unambiguous questions were fairly put , and no student was ever failed because he dissented from his teacher 's views .
9 Freud had always supposed that the various forms of innate behaviour he explored had biological bases to them .
10 The hot garlic butter sauce poured over the snails obviously has a lot to do with the success of the dish , but to those who say that that is all you taste I have always protested that the soft , salty flesh of the snail is very much part of the enjoyment .
11 We have always argued that the main motivation for government funding of research should be wealth creation .
12 They , it 's always argued that the parish councils are closest to local people , they had an out and out objection from the Parish Council initially they have subsequently written to me twice in November moderating that position and saying subject to safeguards they they no longer have an outright objection .
13 The psychologists attempted to polarise various issues such as massed versus spaced learning , whole versus part learning and transfer of training which had some face validity in appearing to identify general principles , but in practice it always seemed that the generalities vanished into the enormous variety of specific issues .
14 In addition , LIFESPAN always assumes that the parent of a user is the person to whom information is to be sent if a user is in some way deficient in the activities to be undertaken , e.g. failing to respond to a Software Performance Report .
15 In addition , LIFESPAN always assumes that the parent of a user is the person to whom information is to be sent if a user is in some way deficient in the activities to be undertaken , e.g. failing to respond to a Software Performance Report .
16 ‘ Inspector , until this moment I have always felt that the benefit of a classical education was over-rated . ’
17 I have always felt that the ASB 's function is to pronounce , not prevaricate .
18 The church , which throughout the centuries , following Christ 's example has always felt that the obligation to serve the sick and suffering is an integral part of her mission ( Dolentium Hominum , n .
19 I had always felt that the term ‘ Romano-Saxon ’ was an unwise invention .
20 We 'd always felt that the demands for the prisoners in Kuwait only affected the French and the Americans .
21 I have always felt that the great truth of the words uttered by my right hon. Friend the former Prime Minister was that she had pierced the bubble of the omniscience of the social worker — the concept that every problem in society can be resolved by the intervention of a bureaucrat — and had identified the fact that the real core of social development is an individual 's self-reliance and reliance upon the family .
22 I make no excuse for quoting at some length from the Chatrier newsletter ‘ I have always said that the biggest problem we face in tennis is that there is too much money around .
23 ‘ But they have always said that the Queen has remained very friendly and helpful to Diana through her illness and her marriage problems .
24 The County Council has always said that the western relief road would produce a reduction of thirty one percent in the amount of traffic on the A sixty one immediately north and south of the town centre .
25 We have always said that the proper way to do it is to have the service areas there and ready to open on the day the motorway itself is opened to traffic .
26 Esler Dening commented that he had always suspected that the Americans had not appreciated the full significance of what they had taken on in Korea ; it appeared that they were unwilling to accept the consequences of being located in an area of Soviet predominance and it would be regrettable in its implications elsewhere if the United States retreated .
27 In the following examples , we shall always assume that the training set is already represented suitably .
28 It was always accepted that the FAOR study was essentially a research project , and any reservations about the final outcome in relation to the extensive analysis that was undertaken must be viewed in this context .
29 Personnel Management will always mean making decisions based on judgement , and this will always ensure that the business must take a degree of risk in such areas .
30 Nancy always proclaimed that the only man in her life was her father , who wrote to her faithfully every Sunday , ‘ My best boy friend ’ , she called him .
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