Example sentences of "quite [adj] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ( 2.1 ) unc This law does not have quite such a general form as that for IF ( 1.1 ) .
2 So , when people naively assume we are on ‘ an extended holiday ’ I wonder if their idea of a holiday involves quite such a hectic schedule .
3 As they became aware of cinema audiences the vast majority of these intellectuals tended not to see them in quite such a negative way as Chaplin .
4 Now , I feel I ought to warn you : you wo n't have quite such a good chance at the end as you would have at the front . ’
5 However , a few years down the line , a heavily discounted car might not look quite such a good bargain .
6 I do indeed keep a list of questions , but I advise hon. Members representing Scottish constituencies that the next time we have Scottish Questions those hon. Members who have been called today will not stand quite such a good chance of being included next time .
7 Perhaps it will help hon. Members to know that those who are called to put a question today may not stand quite such a good chance in next week 's debate .
8 This system no longer had quite such a regional character as it had had in the 1890s because local banks were already becoming part of the national system of clearing banks which was to take shape during the First World War .
9 Such questions seem both searching and naive , searching because they open up a Pandora 's box of issues about the nature and structure of knowledge , naive because they are not usually asked , and doubtless can not be answered , in quite such a simple way .
10 Plainly Henry Ward Beecher , the great New York preacher of puritanism , should either have avoided having tumultuous extra-marital love-affairs or chosen a career which did not require him to be quite such a prominent advocate of sexual restraint ; though one can not entirely fail to sympathise with the bad luck which linked him in the mid-1870s with the beautiful feminist and advocate of free love , Victoria Woodhull , a lady whose convictions made privacy difficult .
11 He would nod in reply , and I would creep away , sniggering at my tiny cruelty , pleased that I was not quite such a nice young man as he might have imagined .
12 The monotonous cawing of seabirds was soon to be broken , however , and not by quite such a fearful development .
13 Even a heartstopping pause just before ‘ Dieu parmi nous ’ ( also from La nativité ) breaks into dazzling Toccata ( at bar 59 , 5′35″ ) is not totally contradictory to the score — although I doubt whether any other organist would dare to keep us waiting for quite such a long time here .
14 She had been teaching New Zealand , erm , not quite such a long training so she 's had three or four years ' experience .
15 But is divestment quite such a big deal ?
16 It is a long time since any potential national leader in Britain leapt up from the starting-blocks in quite such a dramatic way .
17 As she could not stop , he had arisen , telling her that she might cry herself sick , but that he was going to Mrs Inigo , a woman who was n't quite such a cold poultice .
18 The interest rate mechanism works as follows : ( a ) a rise in money supply causes money supply to exceed money demand ; interest rates fall ; ( b ) this causes investment to rise ; ( c ) this causes a multiplied rise in national income but ( d ) as national income rises so the transactions demand for money will rise , thus preventing quite such a large fall in interest rates .
19 Binoculars show that it is very highly coloured ; telescopically I have described it as an orange blob , quite unlike a normal star .
20 This remark clearly proves that a red-meat diet makes you argumentative , quite unlike a vegetarian diet which makes you right about absolutely everything .
21 That was quite well a weird taste .
22 That was quite good a difficult stairs and the bannister .
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