Example sentences of "per cent of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 More than 21 per cent of spending is by the top 10 per cent by income .
2 About 3 per cent of eggs sold in the UK are imported , the majority from France and Holland .
3 Between 60 and 70 per cent of eggs came from the ‘ independents ’ such as the nuns who kept up to 10,000 birds .
4 Mr Oatley pointed out that because small producers were going out of business , up to 10 per cent of eggs consumed in Britain were being imported .
5 In the mid-term , fully 70 per cent of Mirror readers not only had a party preference but regarded themselves as party ‘ supporters ’ .
6 On election day , in June 1987 , 84 per cent of Mirror readers ( and only slightly less Guardian and Telegraph/Times/ Financial Times readers ) voted for the party they had preferred a year earlier , in the summer of 1986 .
7 Remembering this principle will help you to concentrate your energies on the right 20 per cent of tasks , making these the ‘ A ’ priorities .
8 President Mauno Koivisto of Finland visited Moscow on June 24-25 for talks with Soviet politicians including President Gorbachev and Russian President-elect Boris Yeltsin ; talks centred on trade , the Soviet Union having accounted for as much as 25 per cent of Finland 's foreign exports in the 1980s but for only 12 per cent in 1990 and an expected 5 per cent in 1991 .
9 ENDS noted that around 6 per cent of Severn Trent 's abstracted groundwater supplies exceeded 50 mg/litre of nitrate but ‘ with a continuation of present land use practices the figure will rise to 20–25 per cent by 2011 ’ .
10 In 1958 , some 62 per cent of mothers smacked their year-old babies .
11 New research showed that as many as two-thirds of babies are smacked before the age of one , 83 per cent of mothers of four-year-olds believe in smacking , and 18 per cent of children were still being smacked by their 11th birthday .
12 Fifty per cent of mothers returning to work part time do so in lower level jobs than those they left at childbirth .
13 Dr Michael Moore of Glasgow University showed that mothers who drank water with a high lead level were twice as likely to have mentally retarded babies ; 61 per cent of mothers involved in stillbirths or whose foetuses were abnormal had placental lead levels over 1.5 ppm whereas only 7 per cent of those with normal babies had such high lead levels .
14 Children themselves held the greatest sway , and more than 60 per cent of mothers and father were influenced by their offspring .
15 One study of Scottish babies showed that 90 per cent of mothers started to train their babies during the first year with half of the middle class and a quarter of the working class starting before 6 months of age ( Drillien 1964 ) .
16 The Newsons ( 1965 ) in Nottingham in the late 1950s similarly found 83 per cent of mothers potting their babies before 1 year , with 63 per cent starting before 8 months , and 20 per cent in the first days after birth .
17 As they told MPs , they had found that 34 per cent of mothers interviewed in their survey had failed to receive any increase in their housekeeping allowance in the previous year , while prices had risen 7 per cent over the same period ( HOC , 1973 , Vol .
18 Single parents off the dole queue have the same thwarted desire for waged work as their married sisters — a Woman 's Realm survey in the seventies found that 70 per cent of mothers full time at home would like a job , but had none because of the lack of childcare facilities .
19 In Leicestershire only 22 per cent of taxpayers overall were classed as wage earners , compared with 37 per cent in Rutland next door .
20 Currently , the annual saving is in the region of £5 billion , only slightly more than the sum that the Government gave away in tax cuts to the richest 1 per cent of taxpayers in the 1988 budget .
21 Setting the threshold at £200,000 , which would include all but 1 per cent of taxpayers , would still yield more than £3 billion .
22 The Opposition leader Neil Kinnock has pledged that a Labour government would leave eighty-eight per cent of taxpayers paying the same rate as at present .
23 In the UK , statutory maternity pay is 90 per cent of earnings for the first six weeks of maternity leave and then a lower rate of £39.25 for a further 12 weeks .
24 Provisions for parental leave range from 18 months ' low flat rate pay in Germany , or six months ' leave at 30 per cent of earnings in Italy , to three months ' unpaid leave in Greece .
25 Even assigning a conservative twenty-five per cent of earnings in 1977 to heritage , this showed historic buildings and areas were responsible for earning at least £500 million in foreign exchange .
26 Contributions to an occupational scheme are eligible for full tax relief on up to 15 per cent of earnings whether or not the scheme is contracted out .
27 In April 1987 supplementary benefit for the same family equalled 43 per cent of average earnings , and in April 1988 the level of income support available to this family amounted to only 37.3 per cent of earnings .
28 Pension contributions attract no tax and can be made up to 30 per cent of earnings at the age of 55 and 40 per cent over the age of 60 for personal pensions , subject to the current earnings cap of £75,000 .
29 Er if you stand back from our situation and see it that er the contribution rate for employees was reduced from sixty five per cent for er a company i it became a balance of cost and that works out now at five per cent , so the total inputs of the scheme is ten per cent of earnings and that was down from eighteen per cent .
30 The Soil Survey and Land Research Centre at Silsoe has identified 15 per cent of soils in the Midlands , eastern and southern England as lying over chalk , limestone or sandstone , and so vulnerable to nitrate leaching .
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