Example sentences of "per [no cls] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 John Aubrey records how Thomas Hobbes , the philosopher , was ‘ put into a Woollen shroud ’ at his death in 1679 , arguing that had Hobbes received the £100 per annum pension granted by Charles II in 1660 — ‘ At the Restoration , Charles II awarded him a pension of £100 a year — which , however , His Majesty forgot to pay ’ — then he might not have been buried in such a common shift .
2 Scientists at the Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute in Durgapur , India , have found that hyacinth containing 60–70 per cent moisture ferments quickly .
3 In addition , until April 1993 , a further 2 per cent subsidy based on earnings will be paid .
4 Liberal Democrats would introduce a 50 per cent subsidy tapered over five years ( ie 50 per cent in year one , 40 per cent in year two etc ) for salaries of scientists and engineers working on R&D in small and medium sized companies .
5 A high degree of constructive conflict is almost essential in this process and I should perhaps quote the comments of a wise manager I worked for at one time , who pointed out that in industry the optimum level of conflict is not zero ; just as no friction or one hundred per cent friction immobilizes movement in a mechanical sense , so total absence of conflict or one hundred per cent conflict will immobilize movement in a company .
6 In 1921 the employers won back the 5 per cent concession made in 1920 to the woollen workers and successfully reduced the cost of jiving addition to wages , paid since the First World War , over the next four years .
7 Giving a 2.5 per cent discount to get your money in 30 days instead of 60 means that your money is costing you 2.5 per cent for 30 days .
8 So why not take advantage of the 15 per cent discount offered to all Ideal Home subscribers until May 1993 ?
9 A three per cent swing equates to one million electors changing their political allegiance .
10 These are some of the other possible changes in control that could take place : Conservative seats at risk to Liberal Democrats : Plymouth Sutton : surprise late retirement of Tory veteran Alan Clark encouraged Julian Brett Freeman to feel he can achieve the four per cent swing needed for victory .
11 Bristol Kingswood : Rob Hayward defending 4,393 majority against Roger Berry , Labour group leader of Avon county council ; 3.8 per cent swing needed .
12 We forgot the size of the 8 per cent swing required to give Labour an overall majority ; that the Tories had held their private leadership election 18 months before ; that recessions steel hearts rather than change them , driving people back to the devil they know , to secure their own base-line rather than pushing them towards adventurous alternatives .
13 In the Labour party , as in the TUC , the policy to impose a 5 per cent norm had provoked much fury , and the party conference in October heavily rejected the policy , even though Callaghan and Healey made it clear that they would ignore the views of the delegates .
14 The 17.5 per cent stake represents roughly a quarter of Anglia 's market capitalisation , but David McCall , chief executive , said he believed ‘ the share price has a long way to go yet ’ .
15 Delta , the electrical and engineering group , gained 18p to 353p , reflecting a near 2 per cent stake built by Tomkins , the industrial group created by Greg Hutchings .
16 The Premier Group whose business focuses primarily on the manufacture and distribution of food , groceries and pharmaceuticals , has a 28.1 per cent stake held by JCI .
17 Asked about the 19.5 per cent stake held by a rival brewer , he said he thought Boddington should sell it .
18 Last week the firm said it hoped to agree a sale of part of the 61 per cent stake owned by American Express as part of a deal to inject new equity into the firm .
19 There were 25 per cent pay cuts for Burton Group 's Sir Ralph Halpern and John Gunn of British & Commonwealth , who sank to earnings of £996,000 and £740,700 respectively .
20 The Federation of Venezuelan Workers ( CTV ) and other trade union organizations on Nov. 7 staged a 12-hour general strike in support of demands for 30 per cent pay increases to keep pace with the cost of living , a reduction in the price of petrol , and changes in economic policy .
21 The West German Defence Minister , Gerhard Stoltenberg , announced in the Bundestag ( Federal Parliament ) in Bonn on Sept. 28 , 1989 , that agreement had been reached among NATO air forces on new restrictions to reduce by up to 45 per cent noise caused by low-level military training flights over West Germany .
22 The ellipsis represent 90 per cent coincidence limits for the samples from named quarries .
23 The probability of one in ten is the same as odds of one to nine or 0.1111 , a 50 per cent probability corresponds to odds of one to one , or ‘ evens ’ , and so on .
24 But Hackney made up for those heart-stopping moments with 100 per cent willingness to try anything and his 200 per cent determination for the team cause .
25 The Cabinet also agreed to reduce cash allocations and other benefits to new immigrants , to reduce child allowances and to implement a 2 per cent across-the-board cut in spending by all ministries except Defence .
26 In an attempt to reduce support for Israel , OPEC announced a 10 per cent across-the-board cut in oil exports ( later briefly raised to 25 per cent ) and a selective embargo , directed chiefly at the United States .
27 The ten per cent addition assumed by the Eighth Schedule was , as in the 1947 Act , measured by the external cube , but it has since been modified to the smaller of cube or internal floor space , and only relates now to buildings in existence on 1 July 1948 .
28 The member concerned addressed the meeting but failed to achieve the required 75 per cent majority to overthrow the expulsion .
29 The government and its supporters eventually accepted this but then insisted on a 75 per cent majority applying to regional issues , including the country 's future status as a unitary or a federal state .
30 S&N , not for the first time , enjoyed a heady ferment as , once again , the market was gripped by the story that the Elders ' 23.7 per cent shareholding had found a new home .
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