Example sentences of "start off [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The grassy hillside steering you up on to the ridge starts off as a benign little stroll , until you realise it is going to continue forever .
2 The mammalian heart starts off as a straight tube and then bends , folds , and , together with further growth and subdivision , gives the four chambers that pump the blood .
3 The first is a surface sore which starts off as a red mark .
4 It starts off as a satire of Pennebaker 's Dylan doc Do n't Look Back and — cut to the pace of Roberts ' twangy crap folk songs — also attacks Saturday Night Live , rock ‘ n ’ roll , right-wingers , and stupid people .
5 A banker 's acceptance starts off as a bill of exchange , which is itself a form of IOU .
6 An unborn child starts off as a tiny sphere , soon begins to look like a minute hamburger ( complete with bun ) , and finally adopts the form of a large-headed , small-limbed human being .
7 They believe that the operating system of a nome starts off as a goose .
8 Yeah everybody starts off as a sergeant .
9 What starts off as a bit of a laugh could quickly turn into an embarrassing muddle .
10 She has played Mozart on stage and in her new film Orlando plays someone who starts off as a man in Elizabethan times and ends up as a woman in the present .
11 In the Godfather , Michael Corleone starts off as a good guy .
12 Freud 's finding was that guilt is , starts off as an aggressive drive in the id that could go anywhere , preferably towards other people , but the superego uses some of this aggression and destructive energy arising in the id and then turns it back against the ego , and uses it to punish the ego , so the aggression , instead of going into someone else or into the outside world , is turned back against the self and to that extent is self-destructive .
13 So if I wanted to find out erm Let's do that one with the the N H S , and this time I want to know how much it 's going to be It starts off at a hundred pounds .
14 Saturday morning at Brighton starts off with a flurry of activity .
15 Pillars of Gold starts off with a woman 's body being fished out of Camden Lock and a woman called Barbs going missing .
16 The ideal LAN workstation starts off with a worthwhile degree of poke ( fast 386 with 4Mb of RAM ) and is upgradeable ( OverDrive socket or daughterboard , spare SIMM slots , easily uprated video ) .
17 One way of putting this difference between the bounded nature of research and the comparatively unbounded nature of higher education is to say that , in research , the researcher starts off with a fairly hazy idea of what might emerge and ends with a precise formulation or conclusion , whereas in higher education , this is reversed .
18 The student starts off with a fairly definite hold on the world , built on reasonably stable concepts and ideas , but at the end of the course has grasped that very little of the intellectual world has enduring substance and that there are always more cognitive spectacles to put on .
19 One starts off with a syndrome and uses it to develop a theory of normal processing .
20 The foreign-language teacher usually starts off with a class with a set to learn .
21 The game starts off with a view looking through a camera which can be moved around the course using arrow icons .
22 In fact if you 'll if you look in here you you get a it starts off with a tour of er head office and all our facilities there .
23 Yes , I I think , in cer in in most cases that would happen , would n't it , if if if the child starts off with a feeling of insecurity , with possible instability .
24 The child starts off with an in-built certainty that sooner or later his intelligence will clash with his religious teaching .
25 He describes a ‘ good-enough mother ’ ( i.e. , a mother as good at being a mother as any of us can expect either to have or to be ) as someone who ‘ starts off with an almost complete adaptation to her infant 's needs , and as time proceeds she adapts less and less completely , gradually according to the infant 's growing ability to deal with her failure . ’
26 Everyone had a potential for narcissism because the baby starts off in a world of its own , in a state of primary narcissism .
27 Till September headline tonight with their five-piece brand of fully-rounded rock , starting off with a rousing ‘ Something Left To Believe In ’ .
28 Away supporters are seldom , if ever , present and the crowd has less solidarity : the match-day involvement is more privatised , starting off with a family ‘ tailgate party ’ ( an informal car-park meal ) before each spectator strolls to his or her seat .
29 Rather than starting off with a blank sheet towards all class members , it may be that because of natural assertiveness , boys dictate a particular kind of response from teachers , quite independently of the details of the situation .
30 You go back into concentrated training in the spring highly motivated , starting off from a new plateau .
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