Example sentences of "help you [verb] some " in BNC.

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1 Clearly there would be little point in reviewing the experience unless it helped you to reach some conclusions .
2 Would n't you agree it 's just about time that somebody helped you to restore some kind of order into your life ? "
3 This guide is designed to help you make some of those fundamental decisions about your life .
4 So , ask a grown-up to help you make some .
5 We 'll hand out some paper this is not to make one of these long lists or anything , it 's basically to help you to make some notes if you wi , require to do so .
6 Also , if you purchase a machine from me I will do my best to help you find some new sites .
7 In what ways do they help you identify some of the specific elements in the proposed connection between town-conditions and revolution ?
8 Experience may help you take some of these into account but if you went for a fixed fee you may have to pitch it at such a level to allow for these that it 's perhaps twice what it might be and you could lose the client .
9 So if you do n't know the difference between a fork and a desperado , we hope our brief guide below will help you understand some of terms you are likely to hear in the coming weeks .
10 The further reading I recommend can help you to challenge some commonly held assumptions about where stress comes from , and should help you to structure your own plan for coping with it in a way which is appropriate to you personally .
11 The aerobic content may help you lose some weight but exercise is not a cure-all .
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