Example sentences of "like [noun] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 And I 'd like art teacher 's in all the school 's all around , not just Harlow but Hoddesdon Hertford all around Epping to be asked I 'd like artists to be asked from all around erm Essex has a directory of artists Eastern Arts has a directory of artists , I think you could probably find quite a lot of people .
2 The Copyright Tribunal 's decision in March to charge only nominal fees for that information caused outrage at the BBC , which would like remuneration to be much higher .
3 Niki got his training in fortitude and temperance when he moved to Ferrari , where they do not like drivers to be so adventuresome as to wreck cars ; James-took a year longer to learn his lesson , at McLaren .
4 ‘ Spend as long as you wish — I would like visits to be at people 's whim .
5 Would you like Lithuania to be part of some sort of erm , Soviet Federation , voluntarily I mean just some loose trading or defence partnership ?
6 Even naturalistic styles of aquascape do not replicate nature , but are an idealised vision of how we would like nature to be .
7 Erm if there was to be an exceptions policy er I would n't like Scarborough to be excluded from it .
8 He would like customers to be inspired by what they find and to collaborate in the design of what they want .
9 I would like SPV to be run as a group like the other Spokes groups , with a minimum of three members .
10 So many attempts by Christians to communicate the gospel begin where we would like people to be rather than where they are actually at .
11 Claudia 's English and she does n't like people to be late . ’
12 I do not want to be predictable , because the hon. Member for Oldham , West ( Mr. Meacher ) does not like people to be predictable .
13 mhm All right , and Frankie Rickford , what would you like people to be able to be empowered to do as a result of listening to three women talk about this issue ?
14 The bullet avoids in this , well very briefly , erm about for half a dozen of them , first of all erm , I 'd like members to be aware of the increasing interest being taken by the Department of Transport in the Ipswich transportation strategy and the Ipswich traffic study before that , the predictions we have from our consultants for the year two thousand and six and particularly their interest in their own trunk road system around Ipswich and the capacity of the Orwell Bridge , so that Department of Transport in Bedford are suddenly come to life to see what 's happening and have requested access to the information we have required from previous investment and consultancy work and the panel of members , the joint panel of members Ipswich , Suffolk recently gave approval to expose for being their findings of our work to the Department of Transport , which I think is a very good move and , and only be of some valuable to us ultimately .
15 I 've loved you because I like relationships to be comfortable and not too much hard work , and sex to be civilised .
16 I like colours to be mixed , muted ; I like dirty colours , browns .
17 I like colours to be mixed , muted ; I like dirty colours , browns .
18 Is that the way you like writers to be described ( I do not care for it much myself ) ?
19 ‘ I like Luxembourg to be the way it always has been .
20 Attitudes represent the way we see things ; preferences the way we like things to be ; prejudices the way we potentially distort what we see .
21 ‘ I like things to be totally organised and I like things to happen quickly .
22 They like things to be loud and dramatic , and if there 's one thing you ca n't have in good sorcery , it 's loud noises and drama .
23 I like things to be straightforward , almost black and white .
24 Erm yeah i l I like people to be able to independently check up on us , because that gives us so much more validity .
25 Well of course , in our society we like people to be like this do n't we ?
26 I like sentences to be proper sentences , paragraphs proper paragraphs . ’
27 She was early for work as usual because Dadda liked Stephen to be in soon after nine .
28 Richard liked things to be the right size .
29 Oliver liked things to be finished and shiny and to look as if they cost a lot .
30 He liked life to be predictable and orderly .
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